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omniauth-oauth2 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 omniauth-oauth2

omniauth-cronofy 0.14.0

OmniAuth strategy for authenticating with Cronofy

193,827 下載

omniauth-clever 1.2.2

OmniAuth strategy for SSO OAuth2 integration

177,559 下載

omniauth-yammer 0.2.0

OmniAuth strategy for Yammer

172,299 下載

omniauth-wechat-oauth2 0.2.3

Using OAuth2 to authenticate wechat user when web resources being viewed within wechat(...

167,755 下載

omniauth-eventbrite 0.0.6

Eventbrite OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth

163,354 下載

omniauth-naver 0.2.0

OmniAuth strategy for Naver(

160,972 下載

omniauth-twitch 1.2.0

Twitch OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth

160,387 下載

omniauth-clover 0.0.1

Clover OAuth2 Strategy for Omniauth

153,603 下載

openstax_accounts 9.9.0

This gem allows Rails apps to easily access the API's and login infrastructure of OpenS...

152,588 下載

omniauth-mailru 1.0.0

OmniAuth strategy for

149,557 下載

omniauth-gplus 2.0.1

A Google+ OAuth2 solution for Omniauth

149,540 下載

omniauth-smarthr 0.1.0

SmartHR OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth

148,390 下載

omniauth-gds 3.2.1

Omniauth strategy for GDS oauth2 provider

141,512 下載

omniauth-spotify 0.0.13

OmniAuth strategy for Spotify

129,701 下載

omniauth-ebay-oauth 1.0.1

OmniAuth strategy for new eBay OAuth API

128,127 下載

omniauth-wordpress 0.2.2

Wordpress strategy for OmniAuth.

124,867 下載

omniauth-line-notify 0.2.1

OmniAuth strategy for LineNotify

121,404 下載

dailycred 0.3.1

A Ruby on Rails engine for authentication with Dailycred.

116,764 下載

sso_clyent 0.1.3

See sso_provyder for the provider part. Based on Devise, Authentifyd and joshsoftware/s...

114,689 下載

omniauth-paypal-oauth2 2.0.2

A PayPal OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth

113,218 下載

omniauth-jawbone 1.0

OmniAuth strategy for Jawbone.

104,172 下載

omniauth-yandex 0.0.2

OmniAuth strategy for

103,951 下載

omniauth_oauth2_wechat 1.2

Using OAuth2 to authenticate wechat user when web resources being viewed within wechat(...

103,830 下載

omniauth-paypal 1.3

PayPal Identity strategy for OmniAuth

102,365 下載

omniauth-linkedin-openid 1.0.1

OmniAuth strategy for LinkedIn using OpenID.

98,718 下載

omniauth-chatwork 0.1.3

OmniAuth strategy for ChatWork

98,206 下載

omniauth-whoplusyou 0.1.0

OmniAuth Oauth2 strategy for WhoPlusYou allowing you to connect to a specific WhoPlusYo...

96,434 下載

omniauth-bookingsync 2.0.0

An OmniAuth 1.0 strategy for BookingSync OAuth2 identification.

96,259 下載

omniauth-twitter2 0.1.0

Twitter OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth. '2' means OAuth 2.0.

91,257 下載

omniauth-github-discourse 1.1.2

Temporary Fork of Official OmniAuth strategy for GitHub.

91,227 下載

總下載次數 122,293,300

這個版本 22,575,506



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
