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omniauth-oauth2 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 omniauth-oauth2

omniauth-qq 0.3.0

OmniAuth strategies for TQQ and QQ Connect).

53,862 下載

omniauth-artsy 0.5.0

Omniauth plugin for Artsy authentication.

52,652 下載

omniauth-edmodo 0.9.1

OmniAuth strategy for Edmodo

52,628 下載

rails_sso 0.7.5

Single Sign On solution via OAuth2 for Ruby on Rails.

51,472 下載

omniauth-myob 0.0.2

MYOB authentication strategy for OmniAuth

50,456 下載

omniauth-fitbit-oauth2 1.0.0

OmniAuth Oauth2 strategy for -

50,070 下載

omniauth-mixer 0.1.2

Mixer OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth

45,660 下載

omniauth-dropbox-oauth2 0.3.0

Dropbox OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth 1.x

45,546 下載

artsy-auth 0.2.1

See summary.

45,359 下載

omniauth-coinbase 2.1.1

OmniAuth strategy for Coinbase

45,050 下載

omniauth_cobot 0.2.0

OmniAuth strategy for Cobot

43,825 下載

omniauth-salesloft 1.0.0

OmniAuth strategy for SalesLoft

43,191 下載

omniauth-drip 0.0.3

Provides an OmniAuth strategy for Drip to make authentication with the Drip API simple

43,071 下載

omniauth-myvr 1.0.0

OmniAuth strategy for MyVR

42,771 下載

sso-auth 0.1.4

Description of SsoAuth.

42,549 下載

omniauth-barong 0.1.4

Barong is an opensource OAuth and KyC server

42,365 下載

devise_russian 0.0.29

Часто используемые наработки по джему Devise. Включает решение по авторизации в социаль...

42,284 下載

omniauth-bn-office365 0.1.2

A ruby gem for using omniauth to authenticate Azure Active Directory users

41,770 下載

omniauth-youtube 2.1

OmniAuth strategy for YouTube (OAuth 2.0)

41,433 下載

omniauth-surveymonkey2 0.0.16

Survemonkey OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth 1.0

41,403 下載

omniauth-geekpark 1.2.1

Official OmniAuth strategies for GeekPark.

40,615 下載

omniauth-stripe-platform 1.0.2

Stripe Platform OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth 1.0.

40,541 下載

omniauth-wunderlist 0.0.2

Omniauth strategy for the Wunderlist OAuth2 API

40,014 下載

wcc-auth 0.9.0

Authentication / Authorization library for Watermark apps

39,671 下載

omniauth-procore 0.7.0

Official OmniAuth strategy for Procore.

38,804 下載

doorkeeper_sso_client 0.4.10

Provides SSO auth functionality based on Omniauth

38,528 下載

omniauth-soundcloud 1.0.1

SoundCloud strategy for OmniAuth

38,437 下載

omniauth-disqus 1.0.1

A Disqus OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth

38,282 下載

omniauth-proz 0.1.17 OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth

37,964 下載

omniauth-meetup 0.0.8 authentication handler for OmniAuth

36,826 下載

總下載次數 122,603,321

這個版本 22,793,632



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
