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Runtime :
dry-logic 0.4.2
= 0.4.2
dry-types 0.10.3
~> 0.10.3
dry-validation 0.10.7
~> 0.10.5
haml 5.2.2
~> 5.0
httparty 0.22.0
~> 0.14
json 2.7.6
> 1.8, < 3.0
pact-support 1.20.2
>= 0
padrino-core 0.15.3
>= 0.14.3, ~> 0.14
rack 2.2.10
>= 2.0.6, ~> 2.0
rack-protection 2.2.4
~> 2.0
redcarpet 3.6.0
>= 3.3.2, ~> 3.3
reform 2.6.2
~> 2.2
roar 1.2.0
~> 1.1
semantic_logger 4.16.1
~> 4.3
semver2 3.4.2
~> 3.4.2
sequel 5.86.0
~> 5.6
sinatra 4.0.0
>= 2.0.2
sucker_punch 2.1.2
~> 2.0
table_print 1.5.7
~> 1.5
webmachine 1.5.0
= 1.5.0
Development :
bump 0.10.0
~> 0.5
bundler-audit 0.9.2
~> 0.4
conventional-changelog 1.3.0
~> 1.3
database_cleaner 1.99.0
~> 1.6
docker-api 1.34.2
~> 1.34
fakefs 0.20.1
~> 0.4
faraday 0.17.6
~> 0.15
pact 1.65.3
~> 1.14
pg 0.21.0
~> 0.21
pry-byebug 3.10.1
>= 0
rake 10.5.0
~> 10.0
rspec 3.13.0
~> 3.0
rspec-its 1.3.1
~> 1.2
rspec-pact-matchers 0.1.1
~> 0.1
sequel-annotate 1.7.0
~> 1.3
sqlite3 1.7.3
~> 1.3
timecop 0.9.10
~> 0.9
webmock 2.3.2
~> 2.3