Dépendances inversées pour parser Latest version of the following gems require parser
rubocop-rhino-project 0.30.0.alpha.21
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
26 929 Téléchargements
zlocalize 6.0.7
Translation engine for Rails applications
26 802 Téléchargements
metamorpher 0.2.6
Provides structures that support program transformations, such as refactoring or progra...
26 760 Téléchargements
mutiny 0.3.0
A tiny and experimental mutation testing framework for exploring research ideas.
26 428 Téléchargements
parser_node_ext 1.4.2
extend parser node, add parent and sibling, use meaning properties to get child node
26 379 Téléchargements
snuffle 0.14.2
Snuffle detects data clumps and other hints of extractable objects in your Ruby code.
24 120 Téléchargements
super_random 3.2.230213
You can't get more random than random, but you can try really, really, really hard. `S...
22 785 Téléchargements
cql_ruby 0.0.16
Code Query Language for Ruby
22 692 Téléchargements
bulletmark_repairer 0.1.7
Auto corrector for N+1 queries detected at runtime with Bullet.
22 527 Téléchargements
typed.rb 0.0.20
Gradual type checker for Ruby
21 305 Téléchargements
acls 2.0.0
ACLS is a library for autoloading Ruby source files in one or more directory trees.
21 006 Téléchargements
korekto 2.0.231231
A general proof checker. Works with [neovim](https://github.com/neovim/neovim).
20 605 Téléchargements
rspec-match_ruby 0.1.3
Ruby code matcher.
19 419 Téléchargements
hephaestus 0.8.17
Hephaestus is a Rails generator to create plugs for Yetto.
18 974 Téléchargements
rubimas 1.0.0
The 765 pro idol's information library. This gem provides names, birthdays, favorites, ...
18 661 Téléchargements
page_object_stubs 2.0.1
PageObject stub generator for RubyMine.
17 964 Téléchargements
courgette 0.4.0
Static ruby dependency analyser
17 760 Téléchargements
code_breaker 1.0.0
Breaking a Ruby code snippet into a sequence of classes and their connecting methods.
17 636 Téléchargements
de_rjs 0.4.4
de-RJS your application
17 636 Téléchargements
lexy 0.2.1
Development helpers
16 832 Téléchargements
yoda-language-server 0.10.1
Ruby completion engine inspired by jedi
16 793 Téléchargements
markita 5.0.241001
A Sinatra Markdown server. With many extra non-standard features.
16 228 Téléchargements
gemologist 0.4.0
A library for rewriting your Gemfile and gemspec.
15 054 Téléchargements
dev_scripts 0.2.1
Register and run scripts for ruby and rails development, with some defaults.
14 920 Téléchargements
visualize_ruby 0.16.0
Turn Ruby code into flow charts
14 902 Téléchargements
dependencytree 0.2.0
Analyse Ruby source code, analyse class dependencies and output everything as a JSON.
14 634 Téléchargements
puttext 0.3.2
Extract gettext strings from Ruby source
14 564 Téléchargements
mccabe 0.3.1
Tool for measuring McCabe's complexity of Ruby code.
14 416 Téléchargements
ast_transform 1.0.0
An AST transformation framework.
14 331 Téléchargements
better_rails_debugger 0.2.1
Better rails debugger can analyze memory issues only by the moment, but performance is ...
14 001 Téléchargements