parslet 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 parslet
pubid-ccsds 0.1.6
Library to generate, parse and manipulate CCSDS PubID.
43,005 下載
pubid-itu 0.1.3
Library to generate, parse and manipulate ITU PubID.
42,622 下載
ddl_parser 0.0.16
Parse SQL and DDL statements
42,310 下載
pubid-ieee 0.2.2
Library to generate, parse and manipulate IEEE PubID.
41,761 下載
abstract-sql 0.0.4
It reverse an SQL statement to a Perl SQL::Abstract JSON format.
40,564 下載
human_query_parser 1.0.0
A tool for taking search queries of the form most users will expect, and producing Elas...
40,110 下載
logic_tools 0.3.9
LogicTools is a set of command-line tools for processing logic expressions. The tools ...
38,097 下載
bible_ref 1.9.0
Bible reference parser returns normalized sets of ranges, ideal for querying a database...
37,967 下載
activegraph-extensions 0.1.0
Additional features to activegraph, like sideload limiting, authorizing sideloads etc.
37,668 下載
sdp 0.2.9
This gem allows for parsing SDP (Session Description Protocol) information in to a Ruby...
37,414 下載
versionub 0.0.7
A library to manage version strings.
36,561 下載
A simple Brainfuck interpreter.
35,711 下載
jcrvalidator 0.8.3
A JSON Content Rules (JCR) Validator library and command line utility.
34,594 下載
polint 0.2.3
A linter for Uniforum PO files.
34,131 下載
pubid-etsi 0.1.0
Library to generate, parse and manipulate ETSI PubID.
33,334 下載
content-type 0.0.2
HTTP ContentType header parser
32,605 下載
rubycom 0.4.3
Enables command-line access for methods in an including module. Reads method documentat...
31,192 下載
mvz-ruby-handlebars 0.0.12
Pure Ruby library for Handlebars templates
30,159 下載
coradoc 1.1.6
Experimental AsciiDoc parser for metanorma
29,432 下載
parade 0.10.2
Parade is an open source presentation software that consists of a Sinatra web app that ...
27,464 下載
wallaby-core 0.3.2
The core of Wallaby
26,275 下載
wherewolf 0.8.0
Wherewolf allows you to consume search terms as strings without worrying about database...
26,220 下載
dicebag 3.3.3
A very flexible dice rolling library for Ruby.
24,860 下載
rudelo 0.2.6
Set Logic Matcher for rufus-decision
22,704 下載
http-security 0.1.0
HTTP Security Header Parser
21,543 下載
torque_rm 0.2.7
TORQUE Resource Manager for Ruby. Submit, check and control your job directly from Ruby.
21,539 下載
selfml 1.0.0
Self-ML is, as the name implies, a self-ml parser. It also has some utilities to aid in...
21,320 下載
tokite 0.7.1
Customizable Slack notification from GitHub
21,090 下載
basepack 1.0.1
Basepack for Rails
20,294 下載
nose 0.2.0
Schema design for NoSQL applications
19,851 下載