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Dependencias inversas para pony La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren pony

dmitryv-backup 2.4.0

Backup is a Ruby Gem written for Unix and Ruby on Rails (2 and 3) environments. It can ...

5.139 Descargas


Monitors the status of your Delayed Jobs.

4.951 Descargas

pony-test 0.1.0

Collection of helper methods and Cucumber steps for testing email through Pony

4.866 Descargas

feed2mail 0.0.1

Feed2Mail is a feed to mail gateway. Feeds can be listed in a config file, and new ...

4.578 Descargas

smsnger 1.0.0

A Ruby library to send text messenges for free via email (extracted from the SMS-Fu Rai...

4.493 Descargas

namxam-backup 2.4.5

Backup is a Ruby Gem written for Unix and Ruby on Rails (2 and 3) environments. It can ...

4.492 Descargas

sinatra-doorman 0.1.0

A user authentication middleware built with Sinatra and Warden

4.437 Descargas

keep_running 0.0.4

a script to restart other scripts whenever they crash, stop, get killed. It sends email...

4.331 Descargas

inboxer 0.0.1

Send web pages to your inbox as html or PDF

4.172 Descargas

dereno 0.1.1

Deployments release notes sent via email with Git commits / Pivotal Tracker stories and...

4.050 Descargas

syswatch 0.0.1

Simple system monitoring tool with e-mail alerting.

3.923 Descargas

task-orchestrator.gemspec 0.0.1

Simple task orchestration framework driven by Yaml config files

3.874 Descargas

rake_notifier 0.1

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

3.690 Descargas

texticles 0.0.1

One stop shop for sending sms via email.

3.627 Descargas

textosterone 0.0.1

One stop shop for sending sms via email.

3.601 Descargas

simple_email_exception_notifier 0.0.1

Plugin for exception_notification that can be used outside Rails, i.e. with Grape. As o...

3.438 Descargas

fastlane-plugin-gmail_notify 0.2.0

Sends a mail using SMTP

2.847 Descargas

rise-mirror_manager 0.1.0

Manages RISE Mirror Sync jobs.

1.884 Descargas

Total de descargas 8.381.494

Para esta versión 2.783.152



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
