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fxruby-enhancement 0.2.3

The fxruby library is an excellent wrapper for the FOX toolkit. However, it reflects th...

15,430 下载

tengine_rails_plugin 1.2.2

tengine_rails_plugin supports the use of tengine in Rails application.

15,196 下载

knife-zcloudjp 0.2.0

Knife(Opscode Chef) plugin for Z Cloud(Powered by Joyent).

15,031 下载

turbo_reflex 0.0.31

TurboReflex extends Turbo Frames and adds support for client triggered reflexes (think ...

14,986 下载

url_params_manager 0.6.0

Allows SEO Friendly urls for search pages to be built easily. Intended to be used with ...

14,899 下载

tengine_job_agent 1.2.2

tengine_job_agent works with tengine_job

14,684 下载

hiera-browser 1.2.3

Tries to guess what values hiera will return for any existing node in your infrastructure

14,682 下载

rack-conditional_get 3.0.3

Middleware that catches Last-Modified and Etag requests

14,596 下载

git-check-ci 0.1.4

Check CI status of the local project

14,256 下载

after_do-loader 0.2.0

Apply after_do methods dynamically based on a config file

13,938 下载

fat_period 1.4.0

Implements a Period class as a Range of Dates.

13,867 下载

i18n_yaml_editor 2.1.0

I18n Yaml Editor

13,833 下载

diamond-lang 1.2.1

Making Minecraft 1 Command Creations with ruby. It's as easy as `c.say 123`

13,808 下载

row_boat 0.5.0

Turn the rows of your CSV into rows in your database

13,801 下载

arc_weld 0.3.13

Toolkit for building ArcSight resources

13,604 下载

dpn-bagit 0.3.3

An implementation of the DPN Bagit spec.

13,494 下载

prolog-dry_types 0.3.4

Dry::Types typedefs found to be generally useful. Replaces deprecated prolog-dry-types.

13,490 下载

omniauth-exvo 0.0.4

OmniAuth strategy for the Exvo platform.

13,469 下载

dannysmith_coolpay 0.1.6

Gem to wrap the Coolpay API and have a play with VCR for testing

13,392 下载

ar-translatable 0.2.0

ActiveRecord plugin to translate.

13,240 下载

erbtex 0.4.4

erbtex will act just like pdflatex except that it will process rub...

13,139 下载

scrawl 3.0.0

Turn hashes into simple log-ready output

13,115 下载

yml2erd 0.9.8

This gem generates erd from a simple yml.

12,745 下载

hacker-gems 0.3

Hacker-gems installs most needed gems for hackers.

12,625 下载

the_shocker 0.3.1

Pry addons for Rails Development

12,625 下载

pry-uber 0.0.5

Good pry stuff.

12,606 下载

rzmq-enhancement 0.0.28

The ffi-rzmq wraps ZeroMQ nicely, but not in a Ruby-friendly manner. here, we take th...

12,574 下载

bcoin-client 0.3.3

Client for the bitcoin node including their wallet API.

12,497 下载

eventkit 1.0

An Event Loop, a Promises A+ library, and more...

12,417 下载

pry-full18 0.4

Pry plugins approved for 1.8: pry-remote + pry-rescue + pry-nav + pry-awesome_print + p...

12,280 下载

下载总量 34,624,375

这个版本 638,551



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.0
