RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour pry-nav Latest version of the following gems require pry-nav

circuitry-middleware 3.0.0

Batches and flushes circuitry SNS messages after a request finishes processing.

64 301 Téléchargements

guard-scss_lint 0.1.7

A Guard plugin to lint your .scss files using scss_lint. SCSS Lint changed from scss-li...

64 133 Téléchargements

bbc-cosmos-config 0.3.6

Does what is says in the summary

64 061 Téléchargements

brainstem 2.3.1

Brainstem allows you to create rich API presenters that know how to filter, sort, and i...

62 190 Téléchargements

ditto_code 0.3.5

Transform your ruby code based on a custom variable.

61 881 Téléchargements

calabash 1.2.1

Contains shared functionality and extentions to various Calabash sub-projects.

61 147 Téléchargements

alephant-cache 2.0.1

Simple abstraction layer over S3 for get/put.

60 377 Téléchargements

fluent-plugin-filter_where 1.0.3

Fluentd plugin to filter records with SQL-like WHERE statements

60 362 Téléchargements

blanket_wrapper 3.0.2

A dead simple API wrapper. Access your data with style.

60 033 Téléchargements

elastic-rails 1.0.4

Elasticsearch integration for Ruby on Rails by Platanus

55 684 Téléchargements

rasti-db 4.2.0

Database collections and relations

55 630 Téléchargements

blurrily 1.0.2

Native fuzzy string search

55 455 Téléchargements

jskit_rails 3.5.0

jsit_rails provides jskit.js to the asset pipeline and allows seamless event dispatchin...

55 427 Téléchargements

roar-extensions 0.1.0

Useful extensions to roar

55 386 Téléchargements

norton 0.1.3

Provide simple helpers on persist values in redis for performance. Works with ActiveRec...

55 073 Téléchargements

ranker 1.1.4

Library that enables the ranking of lists of items using various ranking strategies.

54 180 Téléchargements

postgres_upsert 5.1.0

Uses Postgres's powerful COPY command to upsert large sets of data into ActiveRecord ta...

54 032 Téléchargements

unimatrix 3.4.0

The unimatrix gem facilitates making requests to Unimatrix APIs.

53 293 Téléchargements

sinclair 2.1.1

Gem for easy concern creation

53 109 Téléchargements

csv_record 3.0.0

CSV Object-relational mapping for Ruby

52 666 Téléchargements

devkitkat 0.1.37

Make micro services easy

52 276 Téléchargements

growthforecast-client 0.82.5

A Ruby Client Library for GrowthForecast API

51 056 Téléchargements

activerecord-jdbcvertica-adapter 0.2.0

An ActiveRecord adapter for Vertica databases (jdbc based)

50 717 Téléchargements

auto-gemsets 0.4.1

auto-gemsets creates a gemset named after the parent directory of every Gemfile you enc...

50 277 Téléchargements

reevoo_sapience 3.0

Centralizd sapience configuration for Reevoo Ltd. See for more information

49 948 Téléchargements

azeroth 1.1.0


49 776 Téléchargements

tabs 1.0.1

A redis-backed metrics tracker for keeping tabs on pretty much anything ;)

49 098 Téléchargements

alephant-support 0.0.7

Supporting classes for the alephant framework

48 478 Téléchargements

bunny_burrow 1.5.7

RPC over RabbitMQ based on Bunny.

47 968 Téléchargements

stir 2.2.3

Service Testing in Ruby

47 919 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 24 358 737

Pour cette version 6 439 916



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.1.0
