RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para rack-test La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rack-test

omniauth-cas3 1.1.4

CAS 3.0 Strategy for OmniAuth

13.714.254 Descargas

omniauth_crowd 2.4.0

This is an OmniAuth provider for Atlassian Crowd's REST API. It allows you to easily i...

13.118.024 Descargas

prometheus_exporter 2.1.0

Prometheus metric collector and exporter for Ruby

12.233.671 Descargas

paper_trail-association_tracking 2.2.1

Plugin for the PaperTrail gem to track and reify associations

12.200.306 Descargas

resque-retry 1.8.1

resque-retry provides retry, delay and exponential backoff support for resque jobs. ...

11.305.344 Descargas

shrine 3.6.0

Shrine is a toolkit for file attachments in Ruby applications. It supports uploading, d...

10.338.629 Descargas

skylight 6.0.4

Skylight is a smart profiler for Rails, Sinatra, and other Ruby apps.

10.126.509 Descargas


LicenseFinder works with your package managers to find dependencies, detect the lic...

9.882.203 Descargas

coverband 6.1.2

Rack middleware to measure production code usage (LOC runtime usage)

9.627.749 Descargas

jasmine 3.99.0

Test your JavaScript without any framework dependencies, in any environment, and with a...

9.519.612 Descargas

avro_turf 1.15.0

A library that makes it easier to use the Avro serialization format from Ruby

8.998.289 Descargas

opentelemetry-instrumentation-rails 0.30.1

Rails instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

8.926.821 Descargas

rack-pjax 1.1.0

Serve pjax responses through rack middleware

8.840.645 Descargas

rspec_api_documentation 6.1.0

Generate API docs from your test suite

8.100.036 Descargas

warden-jwt_auth 0.8.0

JWT authentication for Warden, ORM agnostic and accepting the implementation of token r...

7.843.912 Descargas

airborne 0.3.7

RSpec driven API testing framework

7.590.114 Descargas

split 4.0.4

Rack based split testing framework

7.322.389 Descargas

file_validators 3.0.0

Adds file validators to ActiveModel

6.878.907 Descargas

committee 5.3.0

A collection of Rack middleware to support JSON Schema.

6.782.907 Descargas

rack-ssl-enforcer 0.2.9

Rack::SslEnforcer is a simple Rack middleware to enforce ssl connections

6.333.146 Descargas

travis 1.14.0

CLI and Ruby client library for Travis CI

5.731.055 Descargas

delayed_job_web 1.4.4

Web interface for delayed_job inspired by resque

5.469.088 Descargas

oauth-tty 1.0.5

OAuth 1.0 TTY Command Line Interface

5.455.330 Descargas

opentelemetry-instrumentation-sinatra 0.23.4

Sinatra instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

5.193.085 Descargas

omniauth-shibboleth-redux 2.0.0

OmniAuth Shibboleth strategies for OmniAuth 2.x

5.027.464 Descargas

faye 1.4.0

Simple pub/sub messaging for the web

4.923.531 Descargas

oink 0.10.1

Log parser to identify actions which significantly increase VM heap size

4.854.081 Descargas

resque-cleaner 0.4.1

resque-cleaner maintains the cleanliness of failed jobs on Resque.

4.745.941 Descargas

rack-parser 0.7.0

Rack Middleware for parsing post body data for json, xml and various content types

4.735.181 Descargas

turnout 2.5.0

Turnout makes it easy to put your Rails application into maintenance mode

4.456.498 Descargas

Total de descargas 544.866.997

Para esta versión 66.495.444



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.0
