RubyGems Navigation menu

rack 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rack

task_list 1.0.2

GitHub-flavored-Markdown TaskList components

353,981 下載

routemaster-drain 3.7.1

Event receiver for the Routemaster bus

350,509 下載

wovnrb 3.11.1

Ruby gem for WOVN backend on Rack.

346,818 下載

jdoc 0.4.4

Generate API documentation from JSON Schema.

346,310 下載

gitlab-grack 2.0.2

Ruby/Rack Git Smart-HTTP Server Handler

344,560 下載

omniauth-intercom 0.1.10

Intercom OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth

340,269 下載

vernier 1.2.1

Next-generation Ruby 3.2.1+ sampling profiler. Tracks multiple threads, GVL activity, G...

338,385 下載

decidim-core 0.29.1

Adds core features so other engines can hook into the framework.

330,809 下載

rack-fiber_pool 0.9.3

Rack middleware to run each request within a Fiber

326,465 下載

failbot 2.10.0


326,335 下載

trusty-cms 6.3

TrustyCms is a simple and powerful publishing system designed for small teams. It is bu...

323,398 下載

websocket-rails 0.7.0

Seamless Ruby on Rails websocket integration.

318,873 下載

heroku_rails_deflate 1.0.3

This gem is designed for use by Rails applications running on Heroku. For others, the b...

315,502 下載

restfully 1.3.0

Consume RESTful APIs effortlessly

314,689 下載

gengo 0.2.1

Gengo is a service that offers various translation APIs, both machine and high quality ...

311,700 下載

rack-json_schema 1.5.3

JSON Schema based Rack middlewares

311,149 下載

pact-provider-proxy 2.3.0

See summary

309,264 下載

talkable 1.2.0

Talkable Ruby Gem to make your own referral program in Sinatra or Rails application

308,219 下載

jwt_signed_request 4.0.0

JWT request signing and verification for Internal APIs

307,349 下載

restify 1.15.2

An experimental hypermedia REST client that uses parallel, keep-alive and pipelined req...

300,786 下載

idempotent-request 0.2.1

Rack middleware ensuring at most once requests for mutating endpoints.

298,845 下載

renalware-core 2.1.1

Renalware uses demographic, clinical, pathology, and nephrology datasets to improve pat...

298,838 下載

heroic-sns 1.2

Secure, lightweight Rack middleware for Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) endpoi...

295,946 下載

queue_time_statsd_reporter 1.0.0

Log HTTP request queue time to statsd when the HTTP_X_REQUEST_START is set.

294,166 下載

3scale_client 2.11.0

This gem allows to easily connect an application that provides a Web Service with the 3...

286,201 下載

appmap 1.1.0

Record the operation of a Ruby program, using the AppLand 'AppMap' format.

286,040 下載

workato-connector-sdk 1.3.13

Reproduce key concepts of Workato SDK, DSL, behavior and constraints.

284,881 下載

mumuki-laboratory 9.23.0

Where students practice and receive automated and human feedback.

284,750 下載

merb-core 1.1.3

Merb. Pocket rocket web framework.

284,554 下載

hawkular-client 5.0.0

A Ruby client for Hawkular

281,835 下載

總下載次數 950,255,971

這個版本 5,818,045




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.4.0
