RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour rails-controller-testing Latest version of the following gems require rails-controller-testing

spree_admin_roles_and_access 2.0.0

Dynamically defines roles and grants it permissions

19 035 Téléchargements

safety_cone 1.3.2

At times we would want to block certain requests. SafetyCone allows ...

18 168 Téléchargements

integral 2.0.0

Building a professional website on Rails has never been easier. Create fascinating blog...

17 902 Téléchargements

stenographer-rails 0.7.4

Cleaner, Happier, Easier Changelogs in Rails

17 437 Téléchargements


A very simple and boring blogging engine for Rails.

16 668 Téléchargements

annotot 0.7.0

Annotot. Open annotations in Rails.

15 950 Téléchargements

classnames-rails-view 2.1.0

Make methods similar to Javascript 's classnames available in the rails erb template.

15 642 Téléchargements

kadim 0.4.0

Don't let admins pull out your hair!

15 531 Téléchargements

pg_rails 7.0.7

Rails goodies.

14 945 Téléchargements

admini 1.0.0

A minimal administration framework for Ruby on Rails application.

14 448 Téléchargements

tb_redirects 1.0.3

TbRedirects provides a tool for creating and managing 301 redirects for your website

13 943 Téléchargements

solidus_identifiers 0.1.2

Map 3rd party services to a spree user.These can include facebook, twitch, google, etc;

12 528 Téléchargements

incredible 0.0.8.pre

Build multi-page forms like a General

12 093 Téléchargements

wobapphelpers 4.2.0

Rails helpers and more shared between wob's rails applications

11 516 Téléchargements

HornsAndHooves-publify_core 10.5.0

Core engine for the Publify blogging system, formerly known as Typo.

10 735 Téléchargements

abrasf-desif 2.0.1

Tables of DES-IF

10 136 Téléchargements

devise-twilio-verify 0.1.1

Twilio Verify plugin to add two factor authentication to Devise. This gem is meant to m...

9 588 Téléchargements

spina-admin-conferences-blog 0.3.1

A fork of spina-blog for Spina 2.0

9 564 Téléchargements

intro 0.4.1

Intro brings your rails application to new feature introduction and step-by-step users ...

8 857 Téléchargements

solidus_bactracs 4.0.1

A Solidus extension for integrating the Bactracs API.

8 536 Téléchargements

activeadmin-dry-validation 0.1.0

Validate your ActiveAdmin resources through dry-validation

8 286 Téléchargements

cdx 0.0.4

Cdx is a ready to use admin panel with embedded components.

8 144 Téléchargements

solidus_auction 0.0.6

Add auctions and bidding to a Solidus store - adds consumer frontend and admin pages

8 143 Téléchargements

aeternitas_web_ui 0.2.1

Monitoring UI for Æternitas

7 762 Téléchargements

newspaper_works 1.0.1

Gem/Engine for Newspaper Works in Hyrax-based Samvera Application.

6 093 Téléchargements

shopping-cart 0.1.2

ShoppingCart plugin provides checkout functionality, which can be integrated into your ...

6 067 Téléchargements

spina-blog 0.3.0

Blog Engine for Spina CMS comprising categories and posts

6 039 Téléchargements

yellin 0.1.2

Minimalistic Rails engine providing user registration, authentication, and password reset.

5 931 Téléchargements

loker-shopping-cart 0.1.3

Description of ShoppingCart.

5 808 Téléchargements

spree_products_filters 0.2.3

Advanced product filters for your Spree Commerce app

5 509 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 124 010 496

Pour cette version 80 867 356



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.2.2
