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rails-controller-testing 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rails-controller-testing

bsm_oa 0.4.0

Opinionated toolbox for building centralised authorities

5,396 下载

solidus_backtracs 2.2.6

A Solidus extension for integrating the Backtracs API.

5,240 下载

shoppy_cartus 0.1.2

Gem introduces the functionality of the basket and the order menu

5,039 下载

prelands_rails 0.1.5

Код, занимающийся валидацией и публикацией прелендов V4.

5,020 下载

spree_abandoned_cart 0.3.3

Base 'abandoned cart functionality' for Spree E-commerce

4,170 下载

solidus_shipstation 1.1.0

A Solidus extension for integrating the ShipStation API.

4,169 下载

spree_fosdick_integration 0.0.5

Integration Spree Commerce with Fosdick API (full service fulfillment services)

4,136 下载

hyrax-iiif_av 0.2.0

Hyrax plugin for IIIF Presentation 3.0 audiovisual support

3,987 下载

govuk-wizardry 0.1.2

A gem that allows an entire GOV.UK wizard/journey to be easily defined and built

3,874 下载

active_manageable 0.2.0

Framework for business logic classes in a Ruby on Rails application

3,773 下载

whodat 1.0.1

A simple authentication solution for development in Rails using BCrypt

3,420 下载

bootstrap4_rails_components 0.1.0

Implementation of view helper methods that utilize robust options and traits to generat...

2,803 下载

corzinus 0.1.0

Simple cart-checkout for your store

2,621 下载

iif 0.6.1

Clone of riif gem with latest updates

2,469 下载

base_editing_bootstrap 0.10.0

Raccolta di utility per semplificare costruzione cms in rails

2,420 下载

turbo-router 0.2.0

TurboRouter makes it easier to use turbo_frames by dynamically wrapping responses with ...

2,350 下载

harpiya_dev_tools 0.1.8

Harpiya Developer Tools

2,116 下载

nimble-auth 1.0.0

Re-usable Devise-based authentication mountable engine

1,898 下载

shoppper 0.1.0


1,876 下载

test_hyrax 0.0.1.alpha

Hyrax is a featureful Hydra front-end based on the latest and greatest Hydra software c...

1,712 下载

blacklight_allmaps 0.4.0

Description of Blacklight::Allmaps

1,203 下载

rails_i18n_manager 1.0.1

Web interface to manage i18n translations for your apps to facilitate the editors of yo...

1,162 下载

resource_quotable 0.3.0

Flexible quota system for resources.

1,039 下载

accepts_nested_attributes_for_public_id 1.0.1

A patch for Rails to support using a public ID column instead of ID for use with accept...

1,035 下载

pundit_can 0.1.2

Add cancan like load and authorize to controllers.

1,004 下载

iiif_print 2.0.1

Gem/Engine for IIIF Print works in Hyrax-based Samvera Application.

980 下载

craby 0.0.3

Craby is just a quick test suite setup for Rails application

652 下载 1.0.1

Platon processing center.

613 下载

pairer 1.0.0

Rails app/engine to Easily rotate and keep track of working pairs

428 下载

close_encounters 0.1.0

Keep track of responses from third party systems. Use this to monitor and respond to ch...

200 下载

下载总量 124,175,380

这个版本 81,027,326



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.2.2
