RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para redis-namespace La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren redis-namespace

momm 2.0.1

A currency exchange calculator build in pure Ruby.

25.352 Descargas

maidservice 0.0.9

Distributed Page Cache Clearing using Redis pub/sub and hooking into Rails page caching

25.003 Descargas

hella-redis 0.5.0

It's-a hella-redis!

24.824 Descargas

rubykiq 1.0.2

Sidekiq agnostic enqueuing using Redis

23.632 Descargas

redlics 0.2.2

Redis analytics with tracks (using bitmaps) and counts (using buckets)encoding numbers ...

23.520 Descargas

sidekiq_remove_scheduled 1.1.0

Just call remove_scheduled method and pass the argument to the worker to remove schedul...

22.944 Descargas

redis-ui 0.4.1

View and manage redis store

22.570 Descargas

chasqui 1.0.0

Chasqui adds persistent publish-subscribe (pub-sub) messaging capabilities to Sidekiq a...

22.297 Descargas

faye_tracking 0.2.5

Faye extension for tracking user subscriptions, i.e. can be used for checking if a user...

22.057 Descargas

zikaron 0.3.0

Dead-simple caching with Redis.

21.829 Descargas

offshore 0.0.7

For handling remote factories and tests

21.500 Descargas

attention 0.0.6

Redis-based server awareness for distributed applications

21.060 Descargas

merry_go_round 0.0.6

Simple data-warehousing.

20.999 Descargas

io_shuten 0.1.1.dev1

IO::shuten – Use databases as IO handler like you would do with files and streams.

20.795 Descargas

fake_go_up 0.2.3

fake go up with actvie record

20.470 Descargas

flamingo 0.4.0

Flamingo makes it easy to wade through the Twitter Streaming API by handling all c...

20.199 Descargas

izanami 0.20.0

Web app to handle capistrano recipes.

20.135 Descargas

hide_and_seek 0.0.6

Ever need to show something to your users once, or until they dismiss it? Hide and Seek...

19.982 Descargas

redis-cacheable 0.3.0

Concern style helper of caching object to Redis

19.517 Descargas

simple_mutex 1.1.0

Redis-based mutex library for using with sidekiq jobs and batches.

18.752 Descargas

redis-autosuggest 0.3.2

Provides autocompletions through Redis, with the ability to rank results and integrat...

18.568 Descargas

ribbon-event_bus 0.5.1

An asynchronous event bus for Ruby.

18.544 Descargas

twitter-cache 0.2.5

easy access and cache twitter friends

18.448 Descargas

scotttam-resque 0.0.5

scotttam-resque is an extension to the resque queue system that has pre-fork hooks and ...

17.900 Descargas

mongoid_paperclip_queue 0.1.4

Process your Paperclip attachments in the background using Mongoid and Resque. Loosely ...

17.664 Descargas

ruboty-redis 0.0.6

Store Ruboty's memory in Redis.

17.304 Descargas

CacheBar 1.0.2

A simple API caching layer built on top of HTTParty and Redis

16.859 Descargas

rector 0.0.5

Rector allows coordination of a number of jobs spawned with a mechanism like Resque...

16.751 Descargas

ryespy 1.1.1

Redis Sidekiq/Resque IMAP, FTP, Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Google Drive, Rackspac...

16.070 Descargas

resque-stages 0.0.3

A Resque gem for executing batches of jobs in stages. All jobs in a stage must complet...

15.950 Descargas

Total de descargas 153.428.787

Para esta versión 8.460.102



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.4

Nuevas versiones requieren AMF: true

Versión publicada con AMF: true
