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redis-namespace 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 redis-namespace

periodically 0.1.0

Periodic background jobs for Ruby

15,873 下载

synth 0.0.5

Real-time for Rails

15,843 下载

gc_feature 0.1.2

A basic feature switching framework

15,630 下载

rollie 0.1.2

Generic rate limiter backed by Redis for efficient limiting using sliding windows.

15,213 下载

check_in 0.0.3

Allow services to check in

14,341 下载

fluent-plugin-resque 0.3.0

Resque enqueue plugin

14,201 下载

cachebar 1.1.1

A simple API caching layer built on top of HTTParty and Redis

14,180 下载

web_task_runner 0.0.7

Web wrapper to run a specific task with Sidekiq. Provides HTTP API to start, stop, get ...

14,010 下载

cinch-lastfm 0.2.2

This is the Cinch plugin adding 'recently played' functionality.

13,624 下载

redirus 0.3.1


13,561 下载

redrack-session 1.0.2

Redis session store for rack applications. This was inspired by the Rack::Session::Memc...

13,336 下载

stockpile-redis 2.0

stockpile-redis is a connection manager for Redis to be used with {Stockpile}[https://g...

13,315 下载

burger_fixins 0.0.4

Simple, yet, flexible redis-backed site/application settings manager. Works with Rails...

13,309 下载

counterman 0.0.3

Fast and furious tracking system using Redis hash operations

13,053 下载

redis_mail 0.8.1

A Redis-backed delivery_method for Mail gem

13,018 下载

tupalo-vanity 1.5.1

Mirror, mirror on the wall ...

12,887 下载

start_her 0.0.5

Micro-service starter

12,769 下载

redis-central 0.1.3

Provides easy access and configuration to a single per-application/thread, optionally ...

12,630 下载

onetime_token 0.0.3

Generate a temporary token of secret associated with ActiveRecord. it is stored in redi...

12,541 下载

hari 0.0.5

Hari is a tool to abstract complex relationships between Ruby objects onto Redis da...

12,272 下载

rolex 0.0.4

Rolex: simple roles, backed by redis

11,511 下载

shapkeep 0.2.0

EVAL Lua scripts in Redis by name

11,283 下载

resolver 0.1.2

Resolver is a flexible Redis-backed high performance index and cache solution for Activ...

11,268 下载

mpesa_stk 1.3

initiate a M-Pesa transaction on behalf of a customer using STK Push.

11,244 下载

onliner 1.1.1

Gem for Rails application - provides you list of online users (for authentication gem '...

11,221 下载

gitlab-monitor 4.2.0

GitLab monitoring tools to use with prometheus

10,754 下载

moses-vanity 1.8.1

Mirror, mirror on the wall ...

10,409 下载

widescreen 0.1.1

Rack based event statistic framework for any Rack app

10,294 下载

resque_admin 2.4.4

ResqueAdmin is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing th...

10,270 下载

harrods 0.0.3

How much does that cost?!

10,083 下载

下载总量 153,631,199

这个版本 8,578,243



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.4

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
