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redis-namespace 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 redis-namespace

teplohod 0.0.1.alpha6

Framework for persisted ongoing data processing like scraping or analyzing.

9,956 下载


Glass Gem for Google Glass

9,875 下载

phaseout 0.0.3

SEO Tags Management for Rails

9,698 下载

ruboty-hibari_bento 0.0.5

Ruboty handler to get information of Hibari Bento, the bento shop in Ruby City MATSUE.

9,693 下载

perkins 0.0.5

Continous integration solution compatible with

9,665 下载

foot_stats 0.1.0

FootStats API Client in Ruby.

9,536 下载

bemurphy-cinch-last_seen 0.0.3

A "last seen" plugin for the Cinch framework

9,439 下载

redis-breadcrumbs 0.0.3

Inherit from Redis::Breadcrumb to get going!

9,280 下载

resque-serial-queues 0.0.3

Declare resque queues serial and jobs in that queue will be run in serial mode

9,224 下载

moderation 0.0.3

Moderation stores only the most recent data based on a limit you set.

9,185 下载

ellen-redis 0.0.3

Store Ellen's memory in Redis.

9,122 下载

candies 0.0.3

Invisible image based tracing service with Redis backend

8,917 下载

redis_feature_control 0.0.2

Feature enable/disable library on top of Redis

8,835 下载

collective 0.2.1

Manage a collection of worker processes

8,498 下载

progress_tracker 0.1.1

A very simple API for logging and retreiving the progress of a given background task us...

8,375 下载

process_balancer 1.1.1

A self-balancing long-running job runner

8,364 下载

mlanett-hive 0.4.0

Manage a collection of worker processes

8,133 下载

simple_feature_flags 1.2.0

A simple Ruby gem which lets you dynamically enable/disable parts of your code using Re...

8,120 下载

paritytimeline 0.4.2

Redis backed timeline for your activity feeds.

8,009 下载

valnzbn 0.1.5

Validate the format and lookup NZBN by using the New Zealand Government NZBN API.

7,938 下载

pooled_redis 0.2.1

Provides `Rails.redis_pool` & `Rails.redis` methods and configuration via `database...

7,931 下载

rediline 0.0.2

Timeline library

7,879 下载

browsing_history 0.0.4

Record browsing history by browser like users or something. it make that more simple an...

7,800 下载

bottleneck 0.4.4

Simple Redis based Rate Limiter for Rails applications

7,679 下载

lita-gitcamp 0.0.1

Gitcamp handler is your magic helper which closes your basecamp todos for you.

7,645 下载

redis_util 0.5.0

An aggregation of redis utility code, including a factory for tracking connections

7,412 下载

pepito 0.0.3

Integrate a bot in your company with custom extensions

7,409 下载

roundhouse-x 0.3.1

Round-robin load-balanced background processing for Ruby.

7,379 下载

kulesa-sidekiq 1.2.3

Simple, efficient message processing for Ruby

7,363 下载

cachier 0.0.1

Tag your cache keys smartly, you can expire by tags, count keys per tag and many more. ...

7,265 下载

下载总量 153,848,373

这个版本 8,714,150



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.4

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
