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redis-namespace 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 redis-namespace

settis 0.2.0

Settis provides simple settings storage for web applications using Redis. It is intende...

7,147 下载

redis_storage_tokens 1.3.0

simple repositoriy of tokens on redis db

6,959 下载

tavern-redis 0.0.2

Implements a Redis-based hub for Redis.

6,940 下载

ns24-dashing-collector 0.0.2

This is a simple daemon that collects metrics from our system and puts them to dashing

6,826 下载

q3 0.0.1

Simple Amazon SQS compatible API implementation with sinatra and redis

6,754 下载

sslackey 0.6.1

Checks a certificate via ocsp or crl to see if it has been revoked

6,705 下载

drb_queue 0.0.2

Simple drb-based queue/worker system

6,704 下载

woodchuck-json-event 0.0.2

lightweight log shipper for logstash with enhanced input options

6,630 下载

announcer 0.5.2

A flexible event bus for Ruby.

6,543 下载

tincan 0.1.6

Phone number provider.

6,323 下载

api_warden 0.3.0

Use access token to protect your API in rails.

6,260 下载

twing 0.1.3

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

6,215 下载

tdiary-cache-redis 0.0.2

tDiary cache with redis

6,069 下载

tfs_graph 0.1.2

A library to help cache and fetch TFS data

6,045 下载

redis_app_join 0.1.2

Uses Redis hashes to cache data for application-side joins instead of building internal...

6,006 下载

ossert 0.1.2

Open-source gems maintenance & maturity tracking

5,983 下载

onlinerbytodd 1.0.1

Gem for Rails application - provides you list of online users (for authentication gem '...

5,962 下载

nice_cache 0.2.0

Tag based caching with Redis.

5,895 下载

multi_cache 0.1.2

Framework to help you easily manage caches under multiple keys

5,732 下载

mpesa_connect 0.1.3

connect to Mpesa API to perform available transactions

5,657 下载

resque_stuck_queue_revised 0.5.2

where the wild things are. err, when resque gets stuck

5,298 下载

bitlove-rollout_ui 0.1.0

A UI for James Golick's rollout gem

5,276 下载

parity_timeline 0.3.4

Redis backed timeline for your activity feeds.

5,245 下载

valabn 0.1.3

Validate the format and lookup ABN by using the ABN web services.

4,998 下载

grockit-resque 1.5.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

4,829 下载

yacc-vanity 1.5.1

Mirror, mirror on the wall ...

4,716 下载

redis_code_cov 0.1.1

For every method call in prod it will increment a Redis counter ClassName.method_name. ...

4,672 下载

fiverr-vanity 1.7.2

Mirror, mirror on the wall ...

4,667 下载

grape-throttling 0.1.2

Grape rate limit exceeded.

4,434 下载

capacitor 1.0.0

Instead of making ActiveRecord calls to change a counter field, write them to capacitor...

4,423 下载

下载总量 153,954,370

这个版本 8,771,550



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.4

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
