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redis-namespace 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 redis-namespace

undertaker 0.1.0

Small utility who checks HTTP status of websites, and store the results in Redis.

4,449 下载

ratelimitcop 1.1.0

A redis backed rate limiter. Appropriate for use cases where in-memory rate limiting ...

4,423 下载

youzanyun 0.1.1

youzan yun api Ruby Server SDK.

4,401 下载

bit_toggle 0.0.1

An elementary feature toggle implementation

4,399 下载

TextTractor 0.1.0

TextTractor provides a web interface so that your clients can edit their copy, while yo...

4,360 下载

woodchuck 0.0.1

lightweight log shipper for logstash

4,345 下载

steini-resque 1.18.5

Resque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing those j...

4,323 下载

friendable 0.1.0

Redis backed friendship engine for your Ruby models

4,323 下载

catena 0.0.2

Catena lets you write and compose background tasks in a flexible way to model business ...

4,303 下载


redis_failover is a ZooKeeper-based automatic master/slave failover solution for Ruby

4,291 下载

fluent-plugin-sidekiq_metric 0.1.2

sidekiq metric collector plugin for fluentd.

4,254 下载

redis_resque_initializer 0.0.1

RedisResqueInitializer.initialize_redis_and_resque( ::Rails.root.to_s, ::Rails.env.to_s )

4,197 下载

rack-ratelimiter 0.0.2

Redis backed rack middleware for rate-limiting http requests

4,144 下载

enum-rb 0.1.1

Ruby Enum storage.

4,075 下载

tr_resque 1.20.1

Resque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing those j...

4,013 下载

lookout-vanity 1.8.2

Mirror, mirror on the wall ...

3,989 下载

redis_json_serializer 0.0.1

Store data by converting JSON to redis

3,984 下载

resque-cedar 1.20.0

A patched version of Resque that interprets Heroku's TERM as a graceful shutdown. ...

3,984 下载

resque-data 0.0.1

Make Resque data accessible via HTTP.

3,952 下载

roundtrip 0.0.1

Simple business process/transactions tracking and metrics service

3,875 下载

bernstein 0.0.1

Ruby OSC message queue

3,867 下载

redis-redirect 0.2.0

RedisRedirect allows dynamic Rails app redirects.

3,865 下载

heroku-vector 0.0.2

Linearly scale Heroku dyno counts based on sampled metrics

3,854 下载

fluent-plugin-resque-ex 0.1.0

Resque-ex enqueue plugin

3,804 下载

fluent-plugin-buffered-resque 1.0.0

Resque output plugin for fluent event collector. Has extra features like buffering and ...

3,738 下载

sr-sidekiq 4.1.6

A fork of Sidekiq (v4.1.2) with worker parameter restrictions

3,695 下载

qtrix 0.0.1

Central worker queues config

3,689 下载

wide_receiver 0.0.1

Message bus fanout workers

3,672 下载

resque_signal_from_child 1.25.1

Resque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing those j...

3,588 下载

smooth-io 0.0.5

Cross platform, syncable persistence

3,547 下载

下载总量 161,222,525

这个版本 13,600,379




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.4

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
