RubyGems Navigation menu

require_all 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 require_all

rooftop-rails 0.1.6

This gem provides utility methods and a mountable engine for Rails applications using t...

25,595 下载

speedflow 0.3.6

Speedflow provides a robust system to transform yourpainful workflow in a sweet workflow.

25,525 下载

rbld 1.3.8

Zero-dependency, reproducible build environments

25,229 下载

testcentricity 3.1.1

The TestCentricity™ core framework for native mobile iOS and Android apps and desktop/m...

25,135 下载

rails3_plugin_toolbox 0.3.4

Provides a more intuitive DSL for Rails 3 plugin configuration and a specialized RSpec ...

24,672 下载

seiso-connector 0.1.7

Very basic at this point. Plan to support pagination, sorting, searching and more in th...

24,426 下载

everypolitician 0.20.0

Interface with EveryPolitician data from your Ruby app

24,372 下载

greenhat 0.7.4

Experimental SOS and Log Parser for GitLab

24,371 下载

little_monster 0.1.16

Write a longer description or delete this line.

24,317 下载

sysbuild 1.1.1

Build a Maven non-reactor system

24,158 下载

cyclid 0.4.0

The Cyclid CI system

23,686 下载

ue-ruby-sdk 1.1.13

UnificationEngine Ruby SDK as a wrapper over UnificationEngine API

23,653 下载

cwtestgen 0.1.6

Generates the Clockwork specific Cucumber testing environment

23,465 下载

dotman-bin 2.2.1

Manage dotfiles

22,891 下载

cauterize 0.0.1.pre14

Tools to generate C structures and marshalers with a Ruby DSL.

22,848 下载

migration-spec 0.1.6

Migration RSpec 2 matchers to spec migration files, fx as generated by a Thor generator

22,343 下载

docwatch-bin 2.4.2

Preview markdown documents in the browser with reload on change

21,561 下载

reloj 0.1.10

A lightewieght mvc framework inspired by Ruby on Rails. Try it out!

21,438 下载

roles_for_mongoid 0.2.3

Makes it easy to set a role strategy on your User model in Mongoid

21,167 下载

api-tester 1.1.3

Tool to test APIs which will eventually do boundary testing and other sorts of testing ...

21,032 下载

venom 0.0.7

A test generator for Symbiont.

21,020 下载


An ActiveRecord-like interface to the Rooftop CMS JSON API

20,346 下载

bombard 0.1.0

Bombard is a(nother) Siege wrapper for Ruby thats extensible.

19,632 下载

evoc 3.10.0

A collection of algorithms for doing Targeted Association Rule Mining

19,576 下载

creative_cocktails 0.1.11

A CLI that scrapes TheCocktailDB for drink ingredients and inspirations.

19,558 下载

diskman 1.5.0

Interactive command line interface for safely managing disks

18,826 下载

meditation 0.1.9

CLI app that that scrapes five daily meditations so you can choose one.

18,806 下载

virtualbox-ws 0.0.8

Object-oriented wrapper that makes using VirtualBox SOAP API (relatively) easier

18,429 下载


The gem contains various implementations of known and uknown data structures and algori...

18,265 下载

rubroxy 0.1.3

A simple ruby built proxy

17,979 下载

下载总量 66,469,755

这个版本 34,963,021




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
