riak-client 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 riak-client
dokument 1.0.0.beta
Provides a ripple document to give models 1 or n file attachments.
5,227 下载
bashrw_ttt 0.1.0
See the README for instructions about setting up Riak.
4,782 下载
riak-cache 1.0.0
riak-cache is an ActiveSupport::Cache::Store that is backed by Riak. It supports Active...
4,612 下载
timemaster 0.1.0
Creates buckets for a given resolution and will create all the appropriate links
4,472 下载
hanover 0.0.1
A Riak-based CRDT implementation of sets and counters.
4,372 下载
fluent-plugin-chriak2 0.0.7
Riak 2 plugin for Fluent event collector
3,925 下载
wyngle-ripple 0.1.0
ripple is an object-mapper library for Riak, the distributed database by Basho. It use...
3,906 下载
yz-monitor 0.0.1
Sensu-style monitoring tools for Riak Search 2
3,829 下载
riak-yz-query 0.0.1
Arel-style queries for Riak Yokozuna
3,733 下载
ork-hooks 0.0.1
Add the clasic callbacks to the Ork::Documents
3,603 下载
riaq 0.0.1
Riaq lets you manage queues and workers with Riak.
3,535 下载
rrrmatey 0.1.0
RRRMatey is an ODM (Object Document Mapper) Framework for Riak, using the Basho Cache P...
2,942 下载