RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour roda Latest version of the following gems require roda

rodbot 0.4.4

Just the bare minimum of what's needed to create bi-directional chat bots using Roda as...

4 535 Téléchargements

kjson-roda 0.1.1

KJson Roda plugin

4 145 Téléchargements

roda-controller 0.1.1

Adds controller functionality to Roda

4 143 Téléchargements

roda-message_bus 1.0.0

roda-message_bus integrates message_bus into the roda web toolkit, allowing you to call...

4 078 Téléchargements

roda-monads 0.2.0

Reuse business logic operations in Roda

4 067 Téléchargements

social_web-activity_streams 0.1.1

Models for ActivityStreams

4 043 Téléchargements

pelita 0.2.0

Pelita is a configurable glue microframework for building API in ruby that focus in sim...

4 033 Téléchargements

presentability 0.6.0

Facade-based presenters with minimal assumptions. This library contains utilities for s...

4 004 Téléchargements

roda-parse-request 0.0.1

It also accepts custom transformations via configuration.

3 509 Téléchargements

rack_mem_prof 0.0.4

Sam Saffron's memory profiler made up as a rack middleware that writes reports to tmp f...

3 458 Téléchargements

assemblage-web 0.1.pre20180313195355

This gem adds web services to an Assemblage continuous integration server. It's still ...

3 291 Téléchargements

wedgeio 0.0.1

Components for the Browser and Server

3 187 Téléchargements

roda-rails 1.0.0

roda-rails offers integration for Roda when used as Rack middleware in a Rails applicat...

3 177 Téléchargements

newrelic-roda 1.0.0.pre1

newrelic instrument for roda

3 173 Téléchargements

quickets 0.1.0

Print quickets

3 013 Téléchargements

rodakase 0.0.1

Lightweight web application stack on top of Roda

3 007 Téléchargements

roda-websockets 0.1.0

The roda-websockets gem integrates async-websockets into the roda web toolkit.

2 894 Téléchargements

pico_api 0.1.0

A tiny Rack-based ruby template for building JSON-API REST APIs

2 676 Téléchargements

social_web-activity_pub 0.1

Rack app for ActivityPub endpoints

2 480 Téléchargements

social_web-webmention 0.1

Ednpoint for Webmentions

2 401 Téléchargements

social_web-well_known 0.1

Ednpoints for Well-Known URIs

2 390 Téléchargements

repobrowse 0.0.0

A repository browser with only basic HTML and text; free of images and JavaScript. It ...

2 108 Téléchargements

roda-scoutapm 0.1.3

ScoutApm instrumentation for Roda apps/routes

1 523 Téléchargements

roda-turbo 1.0.0

Turbo Frames & Streams support for Roda

843 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 8 791 949

Pour cette version 120 538



Version de Ruby requise: >= 1.9.2
