rspec-core 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rspec-core
rspec_html_formatter 0.3.1
Rspec custom formatter to generate pretty html results
122,180 下载
pg_data_encoder 0.1.10
Creates a binary data file that can be imported into postgres's copy from command
119,921 下载
rundeck 1.2.1
Ruby client for Rundeck API
117,995 下载
stem 0.8.4
minimalist EC2 instance management
110,171 下载
indextank 1.0.13
Ruby Client for the IndexTank API
108,557 下载
rspec-longrun 3.1.0
An RSpec formatter for long-running specs.
108,391 下载
devtools 0.1.26
A metagem wrapping development tools
102,585 下载
analytics-psw 0.4.5
Analytics-psw is a wrapper providing access to the Perceptive Cloud Platform Analytics ...
100,767 下载
vagrant-managed-servers 0.8.0
Enables Vagrant to ssh into and provision managed servers.
98,338 下载
gamebox 0.5.5
Framework for building and distributing games using Gosu
98,044 下载
named_let 0.2.0
'named_let(:name){ obj }' changes the value which returns 'obj#to_s' and 'obj#inspect' ...
97,586 下载
serverspec-runner 1.3.10
simple execution framework for serverspec
93,525 下载
jimmy_jukebox 0.8.2
jimmy_jukebox downloads great music and plays random MP3 & OGG songs under a directory ...
91,701 下载
vagrant-windows 1.6.0
Windows Guest Support for Vagrant
89,641 下载
para 0.12.5
Rails admin engine
89,167 下载
tugboat 4.1.0
A command line tool for interacting with your DigitalOcean droplets.
88,544 下载
dashing-contrib 0.2.9
Dashing Contrib aims to make templates plugins easy to maintain and contribute
86,756 下载
rspec-abq 1.2.0
RSpec::Abq is an rspec plugin that replaces its ordering with one that is controlled by...
85,791 下载
dockerspec 0.5.0
A small gem to run RSpec, Serverspec, Infrataster and Capybara tests against Dockerfile...
84,443 下载
plain_old_model 0.1.7
This gem is created to cater the projects which do not require a backend/database, bu...
83,605 下载
specinfra-backend-docker_lxc 0.2.0
Serverspec / Specinfra backend for Docker LXC execution driver.
83,349 下载
specinfra-backend-docker_compose 0.1.0
Serverspec / Specinfra backend for Docker Compose.
80,367 下载
cloud66-bluepill 0.0.64
Bluepill keeps your daemons up while taking up as little resources as possible. After a...
79,752 下载
rubycas-server 1.1.2
Provides single sign-on authentication for web applications using the CAS protocol.
78,000 下载
fluent-plugin-parser_cef 1.0.0
common event format(CEF) parser plugin for fluentd
76,234 下载
speckle 0.2.0
Behaviour driven framework for testing vim scripts written in Riml
75,738 下载
dagger 2.3.1, params).body
75,643 下载
graph_matching 0.2.1
Efficient algorithms for maximum cardinality and weighted matchings in undirected g...
75,520 下载
danica 2.7.7
75,188 下载
method_object 1.1.0
Combining the method object pattern with DRY initialization
75,006 下载