RubyGems Navigation menu

rspec-core 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rspec-core

sinatra-content-for2 0.3

Small Sinatra extension to add a content_for helper similar to Rails'

304,431 下載

its 0.2.0

You can write `its(:currency, :us) { should == 'US dollars' }`

294,105 下載

chef-dk 4.13.3

A streamlined development and deployment workflow for Chef platform.

292,053 下載

chef-expander 10.30.4

A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen...

280,589 下載

pry-state 0.1.10

Pry state lets you to see the values of the instance and local variables in a pry session

238,094 下載

premailer-rails3 1.3.2

This gem brings you the power of the premailer gem to Rails withou...

234,655 下載

rspec-timecop 0.3.0

Provides helper methods for using Timecop in RSpec examples.

227,672 下載

mediawiki_selenium 1.8.1

Several MediaWiki extensions share code that makes it easy to run Selenium tests. This ...

227,349 下載

mizuno 0.6.11

Jetty-powered running shoes for JRuby/Rack.

222,546 下載

shadow_puppet 0.10.3

A Ruby Puppet DSL

216,433 下載

tcell_agent 2.7.1

This agent allows users to use the tCell service with their Rails app.

207,127 下載

vagrant-winrm 0.7.0

A Vagrant 1.6+ plugin that adds new command to extends WinRM communication features.

205,148 下載

rspec-buildkite-analytics 0.8.2

UNSUPPORTED: The rspec-buildkite-analytics gem has been renamed to buildkite-test_colle...

204,354 下載

vagrantup 1.1.4

Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments.

193,452 下載

rwebspec 7.0

Executable functional specification for web applications in RSpec syntax with Watir or ...

167,864 下載

hawkins 2.0.5

A Jekyll extension that adds in Live Reload

163,602 下載

learn-open 1.2.28

Open Learn lessons locally

160,724 下載

actv 2.10.9

A Ruby wrapper for the Active API

150,821 下載

winrm-s 0.3.6

Gem that extends the functionality of the WinRM gem to support the Microsoft Negotiate ...

150,367 下載

rspec-grape 0.0.4

A set of helpers, which make grape api specs shorter.

147,712 下載

git-commit-notifier 0.12.10

This git commit notifier sends html mails with nice diffs for every changed file.

134,138 下載

elabs_matchers 2.0.1

Provides a set of useful rspec matchers to be used with RSpec and/or Capybara

125,470 下載

hash_dealer 1.6.2

Like Factory Girl but for Hashes only

125,247 下載

mercury-rails 0.9.0

A fully featured and advanced HTML5 WYSIWYG editor written in CoffeeScript on top of th...

124,706 下載

microwave 11.400.8

A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen...

121,337 下載

inline-style 0.5.1

Inlines CSS for html email delivery

120,506 下載

rspec_html_formatter 0.3.1

Rspec custom formatter to generate pretty html results

120,430 下載

activerecord-copy 1.1.0

Supports binary COPY into PostgreSQL with activerecord

119,451 下載

pg_data_encoder 0.1.10

Creates a binary data file that can be imported into postgres's copy from command

118,758 下載

rundeck 1.2.1

Ruby client for Rundeck API

117,502 下載

總下載次數 933,452,674

這個版本 1,130,748




Ruby 版本需求: >= 1.8.7
