RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para rspec-rails La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rspec-rails

flutie 2.2.0

Flutie is a starting point for personal discovery

1.659.787 Descargas

good_job 3.29.3

A multithreaded, Postgres-based ActiveJob backend for Ruby on Rails

1.620.767 Descargas

switchman 3.6.4


1.578.991 Descargas

olive_branch 4.0.1

Handle camel/snake/dash case conversion

1.574.208 Descargas

doorkeeper-mongodb 5.4.0

Doorkeeper Mongoid ORM extension

1.562.130 Descargas

solidus_gateway 1.3.0

Additional Payment Gateways for Solidus

1.542.569 Descargas


Semantic UI, converted to Sass and ready to drop into Rails, Compass, or Sprockets.

1.443.044 Descargas

csv_builder 2.1.3

CSV template handler for Rails. Enables :format => 'csv' in controllers, with template...

1.433.581 Descargas

carrierwave_backgrounder 1.0.2

Offload CarrierWave's image processing and storage to a background process using Delaye...

1.423.892 Descargas

paranoia_uniqueness_validator 3.5.0

Adds the validates_uniqueness_without_deleted validator to ignore deleted fields when v...

1.423.578 Descargas

govuk_publishing_components 38.4.1

A gem to document components in GOV.UK frontend applications

1.382.763 Descargas

seed_migration 1.2.3

Rails gem for Data Migrations

1.350.629 Descargas

blacklight 8.3.0

Blacklight is an open source Solr user interface discovery platform. You can use Bl...

1.339.206 Descargas

nested_form_fields 0.8.4

Rails gem for dynamically adding and removing nested has_many association fields in a f...

1.322.442 Descargas

sequel-rails 1.2.2

Integrate Sequel with Rails (3.x and 4.x)

1.271.943 Descargas

material_icons 4.0.0

Add Google Material Icons in your Rails projects easily. It is a library with +2500 ico...

1.243.255 Descargas

nifty-generators 0.4.6

A collection of useful Rails generator scripts for scaffolding, layout files, authentic...

1.226.188 Descargas

trix-rails 2.4.0

A rich text editor for everyday writing

1.222.898 Descargas

rails-healthcheck 1.4.0

A simple way to configure a healthcheck route for a Rails application

1.194.756 Descargas

konacha 4.0.0

Konacha is a Rails engine that allows you to test your JavaScript with the mocha test f...

1.140.258 Descargas

prawnto_2 0.3.1

Simple PDF generation using the prawn library.

1.116.801 Descargas

active_storage_base64 3.0.0

Base64 support for ActiveStorage

1.109.794 Descargas

resque-scheduler-web 1.1.0

Use this if you want to move to the new Resque Web plugin architecture for Resque Sched...

1.096.744 Descargas

filepicker-rails 2.1.0

Makes integrating with rails 4 easy

1.091.904 Descargas

ember-cli-rails 0.12.2

Integration between Ember CLI and Rails

1.091.640 Descargas

rails_sortable 1.6.0

rails_sortable provides easy drag & drop sorting for rails 4 and 5.

1.082.767 Descargas

rails-forward_compatible_controller_tests 2.4.0

Makes upgrading to Rails 5 from Rails 4 easier

1.081.093 Descargas

zuora_connect 3.2.6

Description of Connect.

1.071.327 Descargas


This gem provides jquery-cookie assets for your Rails 3 application.

1.049.933 Descargas

mongo_session_store 3.2.1

Rails session stores for Mongoid, or any other ODM. Rails 4 compatible.

1.041.361 Descargas

Total de descargas 268.802.793

Para esta versión 2.638.930



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.5.0
