Dependencias inversas para rspec La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rspec
redis-namespace 1.11.0
Adds a Redis::Namespace class which can be used to namespace calls to Redis. This is us...
173.681.394 Descargas
chunky_png 1.4.0
This pure Ruby library can read and write PNG images without depending on an external ...
161.609.233 Descargas
grpc 1.71.0
Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC
159.084.148 Descargas
grpc 1.71.0
Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC
159.084.148 Descargas
grpc 1.71.0
Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC
159.084.148 Descargas
grpc 1.71.0
Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC
159.084.148 Descargas
grpc 1.71.0
Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC
159.084.148 Descargas
grpc 1.71.0
Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC
159.084.148 Descargas
grpc 1.71.0
Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC
159.084.148 Descargas
grpc 1.71.0
Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC
159.084.148 Descargas
grpc 1.71.0
Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC
159.084.148 Descargas
tty-screen 0.8.2
Terminal screen size detection that works on Linux, macOS and Windows systems and suppo...
154.984.551 Descargas
et-orbi 1.2.11
Time zones for fugit and rufus-scheduler. Urbi et Orbi.
148.552.288 Descargas
lograge 0.14.0
Tame Rails' multi-line logging into a single line per request
147.807.833 Descargas
tty-cursor 0.7.1
The purpose of this library is to help move the terminal cursor around and manipulate t...
145.943.877 Descargas
http_parser.rb 0.8.0
Ruby bindings to and
144.025.848 Descargas
uniform_notifier 1.16.0
uniform notifier for rails logger, customized logger, javascript alert, javascript cons...
138.013.338 Descargas
fugit 1.11.1
Time tools for flor and the floraison project. Cron parsing and occurrence computing. T...
137.014.444 Descargas
raabro 1.4.0
A very dumb PEG parser library, with a horrible interface.
129.760.299 Descargas
celluloid-io 0.17.3
Evented IO for Celluloid actors
128.418.382 Descargas
ffi-compiler 1.3.2
Ruby FFI library
125.435.690 Descargas
babosa 2.0.0
A library for creating slugs. Babosa an extraction and improvement of the string co...
122.830.083 Descargas
nanaimo 0.4.0
A library for (de)serialization of ASCII Plists.
118.974.440 Descargas
rufus-scheduler 3.9.2
Job scheduler for Ruby (at, cron, in and every jobs). Not a replacement for crond.
117.314.672 Descargas
celluloid-supervision 0.20.6
Supervisors, Supervision Groups, and Supervision Trees for Celluloid.
117.189.099 Descargas
celluloid-pool 0.20.5
An implementation of an actor pool, based on the Celluloid concurrent object framework.
116.988.392 Descargas
celluloid-essentials 0.20.5
Notifications, Internals, Logging, Probe, and essential Celluloid pieces demanding Supe...
116.965.720 Descargas
celluloid-fsm 0.20.5
Simple finite state machines with integrated Celluloid timeout support.
116.958.122 Descargas
celluloid-extras 0.20.5
Classes to support examples, benchmarks, or add special functionality.
116.958.053 Descargas
climate_control 1.2.0
Modify your ENV
115.743.155 Descargas