RubyGems Navigation menu

rspec_junit_formatter 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rspec_junit_formatter

active_rest_client 1.2.0

Accessing REST services in an ActiveRecord style

257,596 下载

nfg_ui 6.16.3

The embodied design system for Network for Good.

254,025 下载

fastlane-plugin-tpa 2.2.0

TPA gives you advanced user behaviour analytics, app distribution, crash analytics and ...

249,074 下载

fastlane-plugin-flutter 0.8.0

Flutter actions plugin for Fastlane

248,869 下载

contrast-agent 7.6.1

This gem instantiates a Rack middleware for rack-based web applications in order to pro...

244,273 下载

challah 1.6.1

A simple gem for authorization and session management in Rails.

241,731 下载

decidim-dev 0.28.1

Utilities and tools we need to develop Decidim

238,356 下载

active_encode 1.2.2

This gem provides an interface to transcoding services such as Ffmpeg, Amazon Elastic T...

237,109 下载

cosmos 5.0.5

Ball Aerospace COSMOS provides all the functionality needed to send commands to and...

236,785 下载

companies-house-rest 1.0.0

Client for the Companies House REST API. Provides company profiles and officer lists.

229,584 下载

fastlane-plugin-flutter_version 1.1.15

A plugin to retrieve versioning information for Flutter projects.

228,335 下载

hyrax 5.0.1

Hyrax is a featureful Samvera front-end based on the latest and greatest Samvera softwa...

225,146 下载

iiif_manifest 1.5.0

IIIF defines an API for presenting related images in a viewer. This tra...

221,132 下载

coach 3.0.1

Alternative controllers built with middleware

214,804 下载

pattern_patch 1.1.0

This is a utility gem that identifies positions in any text using regular expressions a...

214,320 下载

resqutils 1.3.4

Utilities for using Resque in a Rails app

213,352 下载

rdstation-ruby-client 2.9.0

Ruby API wrapper for RD Station

212,058 下载

consul-templaterb 1.36.1

A ruby implementation of Consul Template with support of erb templating with hi-perform...

210,546 下载

sendgrid_webapi 0.2.0

Gem for access to SendGrid WEB API from rails

205,730 下载

vagrant-winrm 0.7.0

A Vagrant 1.6+ plugin that adds new command to extends WinRM communication features.

204,575 下载

restful_resource 2.18.1

A simple activerecord inspired rest resource base class implemented using rest-client

203,317 下载

fastlane-plugin-create_xcframework 1.1.2

Fastlane plugin that creates xcframework for given list of destinations.

203,073 下载

fastlane-plugin-patch 0.5.0

Apply and revert pattern-based patches to any text file.

196,601 下载

fastlane-plugin-codepush 0.2.2

Fastlane plugin for App Center CodePush actions 🚀

195,609 下载

webspicy 0.26.0

Webspicy helps testing web services as software operation black boxes

192,945 下载

cache_crispies 1.4.0

Fast Rails serializer with built-in caching

191,765 下载

human_attributes 1.1.0

Gem to convert ActiveRecord attributes and methods to human readable attributes

183,955 下载

active_job_log 3.0.0

Rails engine to register jobs history, adding: job state, error feedback, duration, etc.

182,960 下载

bc-prometheus-ruby 0.6.0

Simple integration of ruby and puma servers with prometheus

181,234 下载

fastlane-plugin-mattermost 1.3.2

Fastlane plugin for push messages to Mattermost

180,567 下载

下载总量 174,604,110

这个版本 37,952,997



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.3.0

需要的 RubyGems 版本: >= 2.0.0
