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rubocop-rails 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rubocop-rails

rubocop-rails-accessibility 1.0.1

Custom RuboCop rules for Rails Accessibility.

44,261 下載

nulogy_message_bus_producer 5.0.8

Nulogy's code for producing to the Message Bus

43,600 下載

timely 0.14.0

Set of time, date, weekday related methods.

42,924 下載

cobalt-rubocop 1.0.2

Ruby code linting for Cobalt Ruby repositories

42,608 下載

globalize_current_translation 0.0.2

A gem that helps create a `current_translation` relationship which is the translation i...

42,429 下載

rating 1.0.0

A true Bayesian rating system with scope and cache enabled.

42,381 下載

activerecord_accessible_json 1.0.0

Using this gem, ActiveRecord's JSON attribute is deserialized into HashWithIndifferentA...

40,356 下載

gnar-style 0.13.0

Style guide default configuration for The Gnar Company

39,652 下載

nucop 0.11.1

Nulogy's implementation of RuboCop, including custom cops and additional tooling.

39,543 下載

types_from_serializers 2.1.0

types_from_serializers helps you by automatically generating TypeScript interfaces for ...

39,509 下載

silvercop 1.2.0

Code style checking for Silvercar Ruby repositories.

39,040 下載

arclight 1.4.0

A Blacklight-based environment to support discovery and delivery for archives and speci...

37,563 下載

netsoft-rubocop 1.1.9

Hubstaff style guides and shared style configs.

36,829 下載

zuora_observability 0.3.4

Description of ZuoraObservability.

36,482 下載

rubocop-bsm 0.6.1

Internal RuboCop plugin for BSM

36,108 下載

optimum-energy-rubocop 0.9.0

The shared Rubocop configuration for Optimum Energy

35,759 下載

ninny 0.1.24

Ninny is a command line workflow for git with GitLab

35,754 下載

fashion_police 2.4.4

KissKissBankBank's shared style configuration

35,087 下載

radius-spec 0.14.0

Standard RSpec setup and a collection of plug-ins to help improve specs.

33,442 下載

publify_core 10.0.2

Core engine for the Publify blogging system, formerly known as Typo.

33,375 下載

rubocop-petal 1.4.0

Petal custom cops

32,575 下載

perx-rubocop 0.0.3

Use this to load the default rubocop configuration and inehrit from it

31,984 下載

osm-rubocop 0.1.16

OnSite Ruby coding conventions.

31,653 下載

hint-rubocop_style 0.3.6

Hint shared Rubocop style guide

31,029 下載

foreman_inventory_upload 2.0.3

Foreman plugin that process & upload data to cloud based host inventory

30,865 下載

resource_policy 1.1.0

Access control for single resource and it's methods

30,839 下載

panolint 0.1.6

Rules for linting code at Panorama Education

30,051 下載

croods 0.4.0

A framework for creating CRUDs in Rails APIs

29,735 下載

admin_invitable 1.0.0

AdminInvitable includes a generator to make devise invitable gem work with ActiveAdmin.

28,566 下載

warclight 0.9.0

A Rails engine supporting discovery of web archives.

27,578 下載

總下載次數 153,820,416

這個版本 3,764



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7.0

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
