RubyGems Navigation menu

rubocop-rake 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rubocop-rake

git-multi 8.0.1

Run the same git command in a set of related repos

56,993 下載

notu 5.0.1

API to get tracks (top, loved, etc.)

54,689 下載

danger-dangermattic 1.1.2

A shared collection of Danger plugins

54,181 下載

caliber 0.61.0

A global, high quality, and constantly updated RuboCop configuration.

51,834 下載

tdc 1.0

A simple framework for creating a Test Data Catalog

51,745 下載

searchgov_style 0.1.25

Shared Rubocop configuration for repositories

51,311 下載

fakeit 0.11.0

Create mock server from Openapi specification

50,964 下載

dbee-active_record 2.3.0

By default Dbee ships with no underlying SQL generator. This library will plug in Acti...

50,932 下載

gir_ffi-gtk 0.17.0

Bindings for Gtk+ 2 and 3, generated by GirFFI, with overrides.

50,438 下載

dbee 3.1.0

Dbee provides a simple-to-use data modeling and query API. The query API can produce S...

49,876 下載

html-proofer-unrendered-markdown 0.2.0

Adds extra validation to rendered markdown

48,773 下載

polish_invoicer 0.0.29

Creates polish invoices and proforms as HTML or PDF files

47,890 下載

slack_log_device 6.0.1

LogDevice implementation that post logs on a Slack channel

47,687 下載

fastlane-plugin-stream_actions 0.3.70

stream custom actions

46,739 下載

windows_csv 0.0.9

A framework to write Windows CSV files.

46,552 下載

feature_setting 1.7.1

This gem introduces the concept of "features" and "settings" to your Rails app. It ...

46,394 下載

ecoportal-api-v2 2.0.10

A collection of helpers for interacting with the ecoPortal MS's V2 API

45,953 下載

preservation-client 7.0.0

A Ruby client for the RESTful HTTP APIs provided by the Preservation Catalog API.

45,625 下載

uffizzi-cli 2.4.11


45,182 下載

fasten 0.18.0

Fasten your seatbelts! Run jobs in parallel, intelligently.

44,882 下載

request_handler 3.0.0

shared base for request_handler using dry-* gems

44,776 下載

rubocop-inst 1.0.2

Shared Rubocop configuration for all Instructure Ruby projects

44,373 下載

fylla 0.5.2

Fylla generates zsh and bash autocomplete scripts for Thor CLI applications.

44,045 下載

rgentpl 2.0.0

Ruby Skeleton Generator based in templates

43,741 下載

ruby_language_server 0.3.18

Provide a language server implementation for ruby in ruby. See https://microsoft.githu...

42,688 下載

bicycle 0.9.0

A convenience gem for cycling through a set of values, ported from the 'cycle' function...

42,487 下載

consyncful 1.0.1

Contentful to local database synchronisation for Rails

41,781 下載

onlyoffice_mysql_helper 0.3.0

Simple MySQL wrapper. Used in QA of ONLYOFFICE

41,769 下載

fog-proxmox 0.15.0

This library can be used as a module for `fog`.

41,279 下載

nucop 0.11.3

Nulogy's implementation of RuboCop, including custom cops and additional tooling.

41,027 下載

總下載次數 17,330,830

這個版本 14,487,486




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5.0
