rubocop-rspec 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rubocop-rspec
rubocop_challenger 2.11.1
Make a clean your rubocop_todo.yml with CI
129,427 下載
service_pattern 1.0.10
ServicePattern for Ruby on Rails.
129,046 下載
makandra-rubocop 14.0.1
A relaxed set of default Rubocop settings to use across makandra projects.
128,987 下載
linter 0.1.15
Library to check a text for gender coded language
128,060 下載
massa 0.6.0
Keep the quality, good practices and security of Rails projects.
128,044 下載
innodb_ruby 0.14.0
Library for parsing InnoDB data files in Ruby
127,504 下載
standard-rspec 0.2.2
A Standard plugin that adds rubocop-rspec specific rules to Standard.
126,712 下載
my_api_client 1.2.0
Provides features error handling, retrying and so on.
126,624 下載
evostream-event 2.0.3
Manipulate event evostream and send actions to evostream server.
122,819 下載
solidus_dev_support 2.9.0
Development tools for Solidus extensions.
122,651 下載
ruby_gpg2 0.12.0
Wraps the gpg binary (>= 2.0) so that it can be invoked from a Ruby script or Rakefile.
122,650 下載
active_graphql 0.3
Graphql client
122,275 下載
danger-pmd 1.0.5
A Danger plugin for PMD.
121,567 下載
hybrid_platforms_conductor 33.9.5
Provides a complete toolset to help DevOps maintain, deploy, monitor and test multiple ...
121,065 下載
omniauth-paypal-oauth2 2.0.2
A PayPal OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth
119,913 下載
belvo 1.7.0
Belvo is the leading Open Banking API platform in Latin America ...
118,732 下載
puppet-module-win-dev-r2.5 1.1.1
A set of gems declaring Puppet module dependencies.
118,466 下載
gis-distance 1.2.0
Calculate the distance between two points on Earth
117,278 下載
asciidoctor-epub3 2.1.3
An extension for Asciidoctor that converts AsciiDoc documents to EPUB3 e-book format.
117,231 下載
open_id_authentication 2.0.2
Provides a thin wrapper around the excellent rack-openid2 gem.
115,604 下載
spandx 0.18.3
Spandx is a ruby API for interacting with the software license catalogue. This...
115,536 下載
password_blocklist 0.5.0
A simple Ruby library to check if a given string is present in a blocklist of commo...
114,986 下載
baza_models 0.0.15
ActiveRecord like models for the Baza database framework
114,320 下載
microformats 4.5.0
A Ruby gem to parse HTML containing microformats2 and classic microformats that returns...
114,136 下載
swedbank-pay-design-guide-jekyll-theme 2.3.2
Swedbank Pay Design Guide theme for Jekyll
113,907 下載
theforeman-rubocop 0.1.2
Shared Rubocop configuration for family of projects.
113,505 下載
hydra-batch-edit 2.1.0
Rails engine to do batch editing with curation_concerns
111,399 下載
rf-stylez 1.2.1
Configurations for Rubocop and other style enforcers/linters
110,979 下載
kanrisuru 1.0.0
Kanrisuru helps manage remote servers with objected oriented ruby. Results come ba...
110,936 下載
onlyoffice_api 1.0.1
Ruby Framework to interact with OnlyOffice API 2.0
110,609 下載