RubyGems Navigation menu

rubocop-rspec 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rubocop-rspec

image_optim_pack 0.11.1

Precompiled binaries for image_optim: advpng, gifsicle, jhead, jpeg-recompress, jpegopt...

5,084,389 下載

image_optim_pack 0.11.1

Precompiled binaries for image_optim: advpng, gifsicle, jhead, jpeg-recompress, jpegopt...

5,084,389 下載

ridgepole 2.0.3

Ridgepole is a tool to manage DB schema. It defines DB schema using Rails DSL, and upda...

4,767,364 下載

faraday-mashify 0.1.1

Faraday middleware for wrapping responses into Hashie::Mash.

4,537,275 下載

sidekiq-grouping 1.3.0

Allows identical sidekiq jobs to be processed with a single background call

4,369,369 下載

aruba 2.2.0

Extension for popular TDD and BDD frameworks like "Cucumber", "RSpec" and "Minitest", t...

4,349,968 下載

nokogiri-happymapper 0.10.0

Object to XML Mapping Library, using Nokogiri (fork from John Nunemaker's Happymapper)

4,250,717 下載

jekyll-relative-links 0.7.0

A Jekyll plugin to convert relative links to markdown files to their rendered equivalents.

4,130,638 下載

activerecord_json_validator 3.0.0

ActiveRecord::JSONValidator makes it easy to validate JSON attributes with a JSON schema.

4,128,193 下載

jekyll-avatar 0.8.0

A Jekyll plugin for rendering GitHub avatars

3,934,568 下載

jekyll-readme-index 0.3.0

A Jekyll plugin to render a project's README as the site's index.

3,866,327 下載

active_interaction 5.3.0

ActiveInteraction manages application-specific business logic. It is an implementation ...

3,724,043 下載

activejob-uniqueness 0.3.1

Ensure uniqueness of your ActiveJob jobs

3,587,931 下載

cronitor 5.2.0

An interface for the Cronitor API

3,558,057 下載

dependabot-common 0.262.0

Dependabot-Common provides the shared code used across Dependabot. If you want support ...

3,270,065 下載

apollo-federation 3.8.5

A Ruby implementation of Apollo Federation

3,208,199 下載

rubytree 2.0.3

RubyTree is a Ruby implementation of the generic tree data structure. It provides s...

3,178,699 下載

chemlab 0.11.1

Automation framework built by GitLab, for the world.

2,968,662 下載

dependabot-omnibus 0.262.0

Dependabot-Omnibus provides all the gems included in Dependabot. Dependabot provides au...

2,961,900 下載

dependabot-terraform 0.262.0

Dependabot-Terraform provides support for bumping Terraform modules via Dependabot. If ...

2,930,108 下載

dependabot-docker 0.262.0

Dependabot-Docker provides support for bumping Docker image tags via Dependabot. If you...

2,914,588 下載

dependabot-git_submodules 0.262.0

Dependabot-Git_Submodules provides support for bumping git submodules via Dependabot. I...

2,904,470 下載

gem_bench 2.0.0

Enforce Gemfile version constraints Regex search across all installed gem's source code...

2,897,871 下載

dependabot-python 0.262.0

Dependabot-Python provides support for bumping Python packages via Dependabot. If you w...

2,893,784 下載

ros-apartment 3.1.0

Apartment allows Rack applications to deal with database multitenancy through ActiveRecord

2,888,551 下載

dependabot-nuget 0.262.0

Dependabot-Nuget provides support for bumping .NET (NuGet) packages via Dependabot. If ...

2,882,923 下載

dependabot-cargo 0.262.0

Dependabot-Cargo provides support for bumping Rust (cargo) crates via Dependabot. If yo...

2,879,418 下載

dependabot-elm 0.262.0

Dependabot-Elm provides support for bumping Elm packages via Dependabot. If you want su...

2,872,316 下載

dependabot-gradle 0.262.0

Dependabot-Gradle provides support for bumping Gradle packages via Dependabot. If you w...

2,861,283 下載

dependabot-maven 0.262.0

Dependabot-Maven provides support for bumping Maven packages via Dependabot. If you wan...

2,855,769 下載

總下載次數 162,551,211

這個版本 237,715



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7.0

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
