rubocop-rspec 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rubocop-rspec
mrkt 1.2.2
This gem helps you to use the Marketo REST API
1,525,753 下載
filewatcher 2.1.0
Detect changes in file system. Works anywhere.
1,461,152 下載
rubocop-airbnb 7.0.0
A plugin for RuboCop code style enforcing & linting tool. It includes Rubocop configura...
1,445,150 下載
blacklight 8.6.1
Blacklight is an open source Solr user interface discovery platform. You can use Bl...
1,407,709 下載
ruby-lokalise-api 9.2.1
Opinionated Ruby client for the Lokalise platform API allowing to work with translation...
1,395,626 下載
circleci 2.1.0
Ruby gem for Circle CI REST API
1,385,817 下載
rack-tracer 0.9.0
Rack OpenTracing middleware
1,350,931 下載
puppet_pot_generator 1.0.1
Generates a pot file from your puppet code
1,288,111 下載
fast_ignore 0.17.4
Parse gitignore files, quickly
1,287,009 下載
power-types 0.7.0
Power Types for Rails by Platanus
1,250,194 下載
puppet-lint-absolute_template_path 2.0.0
A new check for puppet-lint that checks all template paths are in the template('exa...
1,204,755 下載
ruby-terraform 1.8.0
Wraps the Terraform CLI so that Terraform can be invoked from a Ruby script or Rakefile.
1,175,735 下載
resque-scheduler-web 1.1.0
Use this if you want to move to the new Resque Web plugin architecture for Resque Sched...
1,173,127 下載
zuora_connect 3.2.10
Description of Connect.
1,125,394 下載
inst-jobs 3.1.17
Instructure-maintained fork of delayed_job
1,107,550 下載
sha3 1.0.5
A XKCP based native (C) binding to SHA3 (FIPS 202) cryptographic hashing algorithm.
1,084,491 下載
lino 4.1.0
Command line builders and executors.
1,075,871 下載
chartmogul-ruby 4.4.0
Official Ruby client for ChartMogul's API
1,066,038 下載
saml2 3.1.8
The saml2 library is yet another SAML library for Ruby, with an emphasis on _not_ re-im...
1,059,979 下載
database_validations 1.1.1
ActiveRecord provides validations on app level but it won't guarantee the consistent. I...
1,040,995 下載
puppet-module-posix-dev-r2.5 1.1.1
A set of gems declaring Puppet module dependencies.
1,036,172 下載
phcmemberspro 92.0.3
Ruby on Rails 7 engine to manage member information and business directory listings.
1,028,652 下載
puppet-module-posix-dev-r2.4 1.1.1
A set of gems declaring Puppet module dependencies.
1,017,431 下載
aws-ssm-env 0.1.3
Set parameters acquired from AWS EC2 Parameter Store as environment variables.
1,012,932 下載
solidus_stripe 5.0.2
Stripe Payment Method for Solidus
1,006,830 下載
ar-multidb 0.7.0
Multidb is an ActiveRecord extension for switching between multiple database connection...
986,871 下載
puppeteer-ruby 0.45.6
A ruby port of puppeteer
977,268 下載
mediawiki_api 0.9.0
Uses adapter-agnostic Faraday gem to talk to MediaWiki API.
959,158 下載
chatwork 1.0.0
ChatWork is cloud-based business chat tool
953,414 下載
activejob-status 1.0.2
Monitor your jobs
949,961 下載