rubocop-rspec 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rubocop-rspec
yard-junk 0.0.10
YardJunk is structured logger/error validator plugin for YARD documentation gem.
941,385 下載
apparition 0.6.0
Apparition is a driver for Capybara that allows you to run your tests on Chrome in a he...
926,146 下載
non-digest-assets 2.4.0
Rails provides no option to generate both digest and non-digest assets. Installing ...
917,324 下載
beholder-fluentd-plugin 1.0.1
Output plugin to ship logs to a Grafana Loki server
917,222 下載
rspec-any_of 1.0.0
HTML equivalence RSpec matcher
902,140 下載
deprecations_detector 0.2.2
A tool to display deprecations in a simple way on a single HTML page.
891,558 下載
activerecord-opentracing 0.3.1
ActiveRecord OpenTracing intrumenter
884,726 下載
pronto-rails_schema 0.11.0
Detects migration files and checks for changes in schema.rb or structure.sql files
865,805 下載
que-scheduler 5.1.1
A lightweight cron scheduler for the Que async job worker
856,730 下載
Dutchie-Style 2.0.7
Rubocop Settings for all dutchie Ruby Apps
847,346 下載
simplycop 2.8.0
Require this gem in your application to use Simply Business common rubocop rules.
842,727 下載
rake_terraform 1.24.0
Provides rake tasks for executing terraform commands as part of a rake build.
790,646 下載
active_currency 1.4.1
Store your currency.
765,686 下載
rake_dependencies 3.9.0
Provides rake tasks for downloading and extracting tools depended on for further build ...
759,916 下載
ruby-thumbor 4.0.2
ruby-thumbor is the client to the thumbor imaging service (
750,474 下載
fastlane-plugin-datadog 0.2.0
Datadog actions for iOS development
726,841 下載
rake_fly 2.15.0
Rake tasks for common fly interactions allowing Concourse pipelines to be managed as pa...
722,975 下載
cloudflair 0.4.0
Cloudflair aims to provide easy access to CloudFlare's public API.
716,605 下載
faraday-digestauth 0.4.1
Faraday extension to enable digest auth
709,703 下載
confidante 0.28.0
A configuration engine combining environment variables, programmatic overrides and the ...
709,476 下載
rake_docker 2.21.0
Allows building, tagging and pushing images and creating, starting, stopping and removi...
687,188 下載
ruby_fly 0.41.0
Wraps the concourse fly CLI so that fly can be invoked from a Ruby script or Rakefile.
675,660 下載
rubocop-discourse 3.8.6
Custom rubocop cops used by Discourse
673,556 下載
OnkCop is a RuboCop configration gem.
663,418 下載
ezcater_rubocop 6.1.1
ezCater custom cops and shared configuration
650,218 下載
inst_statsd 3.1.0
Statsd for Instructure
647,257 下載
rubocop-govuk 5.0.2
Shared RuboCop rules for Ruby projects in GOV.UK
638,756 下載
wrest 4.0.1
Wrest is a fluent, easy-to-use, object oriented Ruby HTTP/REST client library with supp...
636,244 下載
switchman-inst-jobs 4.0.16
Switchman and Instructure Jobs compatibility gem.
634,487 下載
phcscriptcdnpro 79.0.3
Ruby on Rails 7 engine to manage CDN script listings.
632,345 下載