rubocop-rspec 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rubocop-rspec
gc_ruboconfig 5.0.2
GoCardless's shared Rubocop configuration, conforming to our house style
625,606 下載
dependabot-pub 0.286.0
Dependabot-Pub provides support for bumping Dart (pub) packages via Dependabot. If you ...
590,923 下載
finapps 6.13.1
A simple library for communicating with the FinApps REST API.
566,107 下載
academic_benchmarks 1.1.3
A ruby api for accessing the Academic Benchmarks API. A valid subscription with accomp...
564,885 下載
phcpresspro 87.0.3
Ruby on Rails 7 engine to manage your website's articles, categories and media.
564,673 下載
A Ruby implementation for Japan postcode.
557,659 下載
service_actor 3.9.4
Service objects for your application logic
555,858 下載
colorls 1.5.0
A Ruby CLI gem that beautifies the terminal's ls command, with color and font-awesome i...
551,371 下載
dip 8.1.0
DIP - Docker Interaction Process.CLI tool for better development experience when intera...
530,715 下載
firebase_dynamic_link 3.0.0
Create deep link for web and mobile app using Firebase Dynamic Links service
526,977 下載
playwright-ruby-client 1.48.0
The Ruby binding of playwright driver 1.48.2
524,774 下載
front_matter_parser 1.0.1
Parse a front matter from syntactically correct strings or files
519,628 下載
case_transform2 1.1.1
Transforms string letter case to camel, snake,dash and underscore without activesupport...
517,019 下載
lhs 26.2.0
LHS ia a Rails-Gem, providing an ActiveRecord like interface to access HTTP-JSON-Servic...
514,696 下載
puppet-module-posix-dev-r2.7 1.1.1
A set of gems declaring Puppet module dependencies.
510,143 下載
remove_bg 2.0.3
Use with our official Ruby library to quickly, easily and 100% automatically ...
501,005 下載
faraday-tracer 0.7.0
Faraday OpenTracing middleware
490,057 下載
granite 0.17.2
Another business actions architecture for Rails apps
481,982 下載
clocale 0.0.4
A Ruby gem that wraps C locale functions.
474,651 下載
quality 40.0.1
Quality is a tool that runs quality checks on your code using community tools, and make...
474,268 下載
dor-services 9.6.2
Contains classes to register objects and initialize workflows
472,703 下載
imgproxy 3.0.0
A gem that easily generates imgproxy URLs for your images
469,450 下載
inst-jobs-statsd 4.0.1
Stats reporting for inst-jobs
464,285 下載
ordinalize_full 3.1.0
Turns a number into an ordinal string such as first, second, third or 1st, 2nd, 3rd.
445,609 下載
sym 3.0.2
Sym is a ruby library (gem) that offers both the command line interface (CLI) and a s...
443,583 下載
zerobounce 0.3.1
A Ruby client for
436,355 下載
sys-admin 1.8.4
The sys-admin library is a unified, cross platform replacement for the 'etc' librar...
431,660 下載
graphql_devise 1.5.0
GraphQL queries and mutations on top of devise_token_auth
429,194 下載
shortcode 2.0.0
Gem for parsing wordpress style shortcodes
426,103 下載
rubocop-inflector 0.2.1
RuboCop extension to integrate ActiveSupport::Inflector
421,570 下載