rubocop-rspec 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rubocop-rspec
dor-services-client 15.2.1
A client for dor-services-app
318,706 下載
ams_lazy_relationships 0.4.0
ActiveModel Serializers addon for eliminating N+1 queries problem from the serializers.
312,461 下載
geo_coord 0.2.0
Geo::Coord class
308,721 下載
datadog_backup 4.0.1
A utility to backup and restore Datadog accounts
307,915 下載
onlyoffice_logger_helper 1.3.0
Simple logging gem for ONLYOFFICE projects. Used in QA
305,098 下載
image_optim_rails 0.5.0
Optimize image assets using image_optim
301,556 下載
This gem provides default rubocop settings for Umbrellio projects
299,808 下載
jekyll-diagrams 0.10.0
A Jekyll plugin with support for Blockdiag, Erd, GraphViz, Mermaid, Nomnoml, PlantUML, ...
298,884 下載
puppet-module-posix-dev-r2.1 0.5.3
A set of gems declaring Puppet module dependencies.
297,015 下載
safe_timeout 1.0.0
A safer alternative to Ruby's Timeout that uses unix processes instead of threads.
294,318 下載
sinatra-instrumentation 0.1.2
OpenTracing compatible auto-instrumentation for Sinatra web applications.
291,706 下載
ruby_rabbitmq_janus 4.0.1
This gem is used to communicate to a server Janus through RabbitMQ software (Message-...
289,676 下載
paseto 0.4.1
Ruby impl of Paseto
285,217 下載
blacklight-access_controls 6.0.1
Access controls for blacklight-based applications
282,434 下載
fear-rspec 0.3.0
RSpec matchers for Fear gem
280,968 下載
sigurd 0.1.0
Small gem to manage executing looping processes and signal handling.
274,431 下載
contrast-agent 7.6.1
This gem instantiates a Rack middleware for rack-based web applications in order to pro...
268,626 下載
proc-wait3 1.9.3
The proc-wait3 library adds the wait3, wait4, waitid, pause, sigsend, and getrusage...
267,249 下載
jsonapi_parameters 2.3.0
JsonApi::Parameters allows you to easily translate JSON:API compliant parameters to a s...
264,663 下載
module_methods 0.1.0
Extendable module for modules with instance and class methods. These modules can be inc...
264,632 下載
betterlint 1.15.1
Betterment rubocop configuration
264,290 下載
fastlane-plugin-flutter 0.8.0
Flutter actions plugin for Fastlane
262,576 下載
rubocop-betterment 1.19.0
Betterment rubocop configuration
262,556 下載
lhc 15.2.1
LHC is an extended/advanced HTTP client. Implementing basic http-communication enhancem...
259,010 下載
voxpupuli-test 9.2.0
A package that depends on all the gems Vox Pupuli modules need and methods to simplify ...
255,831 下載
saml-kit 1.3.0
A simple toolkit for working with SAML.
255,020 下載
grpc-web 1.2.1
Host gRPC-Web endpoints for Ruby gRPC services in a Rack or Rails app(over HTTP/1.1). C...
254,236 下載
blacklight_advanced_search 7.0.0
Blacklight Advanced Search plugin
253,551 下載
phcscriptcdn 55.0.3
Ruby on Rails 7 engine to manage CDN script listings.
252,756 下載
decidim-dev 0.29.1
Utilities and tools we need to develop Decidim
252,582 下載