ruby-prof 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 ruby-prof
epodder 0.0.13
Ruby re-do of hpodder
33,577 下載
rack-tctp 0.9.14
Rack middleware for end-to-end security through TCTP
33,493 下載
disposable_db 0.0.8
A utility that makes it easy to create "on-the-fly databases"
30,522 下載
bench_bloc 0.1.16
Use a hash syntax to automatically generate rake tasks which run benchmarks on given bl...
30,137 下載
key_tree 0.8.0
Manage trees of keys
30,111 下載
decko-profile 0.18.1
decko and card mod profiling
29,472 下載
cranium 0.8.1
Provides Extract, Transform and Load functionality for loading data from CSV files to a...
28,102 下載
protobuffy 4.0.1
Google Protocol Buffers serialization and RPC implementation for Ruby.
27,825 下載
openc3 6.2.1
OpenC3 provides all the functionality needed to send commands to and receive data f...
27,497 下載
blue_print 1.3.1
The behavior switching framework
26,276 下載
vedeu_cli 0.0.10
Provides client application generators for Vedeu.
25,807 下載
powertrack 2.0.0
Powertrack is a gem used to develop GNIP PowerTrack streaming clients.
25,788 下載
rdepend 0.0.12
a work in progress, use it at your own risk
25,532 下載
british 0.4.2
Allows to use alternative words endings: -ise instead of -ize etc. Defines `is_an?` as ...
24,287 下載
nuodb 2.0.3
An easy to use database API for the NuoDB distributed database.
24,067 下載
redis_ring_client 0.1.2
The client counterpart to the RedisRing gem.
23,558 下載
ruby_rnv 0.5.3
RelaxNG compact syntax validator for Ruby
22,363 下載
search-kit 0.0.10
Build simple and powerful search quickly
21,664 下載
hammer_builder 0.3.2
Fast extensible ruby html5 builder
21,613 下載
rubylog 2.1.0
Rubylog is a Prolog-like DSL for Ruby.
20,908 下載
speedup-rails 0.0.15
SpeedUpRails is written in hope it will help develop faster rails applications.
20,826 下載
archimate 2.2.1
A collection of tools for working with ArchiMate files from Archi
20,774 下載
hesabu 0.1.14
arithmetic equation solver.
20,673 下載
ensure_it 1.0.0
Main goal of project is to provide fastest way to every-metho...
20,495 下載
uwdc 0.0.7
Gem for the University of Wisconsin Digital Collections
20,246 下載
evoc 3.10.0
A collection of algorithms for doing Targeted Association Rule Mining
20,214 下載
droom 0.5.3
Droom is nice and clean.
20,066 下載
nose 0.2.0
Schema design for NoSQL applications
19,885 下載
doku 1.1.2
Library for solving Sudoku-like puzzles (Sudoku, Hexadoku, etc.) using the Dancing Link...
19,669 下載
flameboyant 0.2.0
Generate an interactive SVG flame chart
18,931 下載