selenium-webdriver 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 selenium-webdriver
solidus_gateway 1.3.0
Additional Payment Gateways for Solidus
1,965,004 下載
webpacker-react 0.3.2
Provides React integration for Webpacker
1,818,598 下載
eyes_selenium 6.8.0
Provides SDK for writing Applitools Selenium-based tests
1,773,504 下載
capybara-lockstep 2.2.3
Synchronize Capybara commands with client-side JavaScript and AJAX requests
1,595,340 下載
sauce 3.7.2
[DEPRECATED] A Ruby helper for running tests in Sauce Labs' browser testing cloud servi...
1,508,976 下載
blacklight 8.8.4
Blacklight is an open source Solr user interface discovery platform. You can use Bl...
1,466,368 下載
nested_form_fields 0.8.4
Rails gem for dynamically adding and removing nested has_many association fields in a f...
1,447,729 下載
webdriver-user-agent 7.9
A helper gem to emulate populate device user agents and resolutions when using webdriver
1,423,225 下載
axe-core-capybara 4.10.2
Capybara webdriver injected with Axe
1,394,510 下載
onlyoffice_webdriver_wrapper 1.35.0
ONLYOFFICE Webdriver Wrapper Gem. Used in QA
1,167,188 下載
konacha 4.0.0
Konacha is a Rails engine that allows you to test your JavaScript with the mocha test f...
1,156,292 下載
flights_gui_tests 2.4.98
test automatizado para los productos del equipo flights gui
1,093,832 下載
capybara-chromedriver-logger 0.3.0
Adds realtime console.log output to Capybara + Selenium + Chromedriver
1,090,344 下載
autoNumeric.js library automatically formats currency and numbers. With an ujs flavor i...
1,061,470 下載
activeadmin_reorderable 0.3.4
Add drag and drop reordering to ActiveAdmin tables.
1,034,561 下載
apparition 0.6.0
Apparition is a driver for Capybara that allows you to run your tests on Chrome in a he...
971,028 下載
alchemy_cms 7.4.2
Alchemy is a powerful, userfriendly and flexible Rails CMS.
872,240 下載
magic_lamp 1.9.0
MagicLamp provides an easy way to get your Rails templates into your JavaScript specs.
837,507 下載
turbograft 0.5.0
Turbograft is a hard fork of Turbolinks, allowing you to perform partial page refreshes...
815,421 下載
orderly 0.1.1
orderly: an rspec assertion for request specs to assert that one piece of content appea...
808,276 下載
capybara-firebug 2.1.0
Provides a dead-simple way to run scenarios with Firebug enabled under the selenium dri...
805,468 下載
opal 1.8.2
Opal is a Ruby to JavaScript compiler. It is source-to-source, making it fast as a runt...
757,023 下載
mission_control-jobs 1.0.2
Operational controls for Active Job
750,861 下載
xvfb 1.0.4
Ruby interface for Xvfb. It allows you to create a headless display straight from Ruby ...
702,297 下載
site_prism-table 0.2.0
Table scraping for SitePrism
693,335 下載
unobtainium 0.13.0
Unobtainium wraps Selenium and Appium in a simple driver abstraction so that test c...
626,694 下載
pincers 1.0.0
Web automation DSL on top of webdriver and nokogiri
621,929 下載
ops_manager_ui_drivers 2.42.0
Capybara helpers for configuring Pivotal Ops Manager. No longer under active development
585,737 下載
administrate-field-nested_has_many 2.1.0
Plugin for nested has_many forms in Administrate
552,964 下載
wice_grid 7.1.4
A Rails grid plugin to create grids with sorting, pagination, and filters generated aut...
526,254 下載