RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para sidekiq La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren sidekiq

honeykiq 1.6.0

Send Sidekiq related events to Honeycomb.

212.224 Descargas

reactor 2.0.1

rails chrono reactor

210.504 Descargas

librato-sidekiq 0.1.2

Sidekiq hooks to push stats into Librato

209.095 Descargas

roo_on_rails 2.2.2

Scaffolding for building services

207.139 Descargas

ts-sidekiq-delta 0.4.0

Manage delta indexes via Sidekiq for Thinking Sphinx

199.834 Descargas

sidekiq_process_killer 0.4.2

SidekiqProcessKiller plugs into Sidekiq's middleware and kills a process if its process...

198.072 Descargas

xapian_db 1.3.11

XapianDb is a ruby gem that combines features of nosql databases and fulltext indexing....

187.576 Descargas

async_request 1.0.0

Perform background jobs and ask for the result in a simple way.

185.760 Descargas

sidekiq-enqueuer 2.1.1

A Sidekiq Web extension to enqueue/schedule jobs with custom perform params in Web UI. ...

181.263 Descargas

mihari 7.6.1

A query aggregator for OSINT based threat hunting

176.835 Descargas

restpack_service 0.0.83

RestPack service base

175.052 Descargas

sidekiq-postpone 0.3.1

Bulk-pushes jobs to Sidekiq when you need it to.

174.883 Descargas

sidekiq-monitor-stats 0.0.4

Add an endpoint to your running application that is running Sidekiq that returns useful...

166.614 Descargas

attentive_sidekiq 0.3.3

This gem allows you to watch the jobs which suddenly dissappeared from redis without be...

160.223 Descargas

services 9.0.0

A nifty service layer for your Rails app

156.401 Descargas

cased-ruby 0.8.0

Ruby library for Cased

153.544 Descargas

sidekiq_monitor 0.1.7

Advanced monitoring for Sidekiq

148.609 Descargas

omnes 0.2.2

Omnes is a Ruby library implementing the publish-subscribe pattern. This pattern allows...

147.778 Descargas

govuk_sidekiq 8.0.1

Provides standard setup and behaviour for Sidekiq in GOV.UK applications.

145.063 Descargas

mutx 0.2.9

Exposes executions easily

144.516 Descargas

sidekiq-health 0.1.1

Sidekiq::Health adds a rake task that outputs the current size our your Sidekiq que...

142.054 Descargas

sidekiq_adhoc_job 2.2.2

Trigger jobs adhoc from Sidekiq web admin

125.707 Descargas

rollkiq 0.1.0

Customize how and when sidekiq sends an exception to rollbar

125.610 Descargas

cdmbl 0.18.0

Load CONTENTdm data into a Solr Index. CDMBL expects to run inside a Rails application.

125.393 Descargas

datadog-compound-metrics 0.1.0

A gem for building compound metric (a single metric from multiple ones). Mostly to have...

123.645 Descargas

sidekiq-notifications 0.0.1

Adds ActiveSupport/Notifications support to sidekiq.

122.453 Descargas

freekiqs 6.5.0

Sidekiq middleware extending RetryJobs to allow configuring how many exceptions a job c...

122.173 Descargas

smartkiosk-client 0.2.1

Smartkiosk client application

118.906 Descargas

sidekiq-influxdb 1.4.1

Writes Sidekiq job metrics to InfluxDB

117.217 Descargas

workarea-core 3.5.27

Provides application code, seed data, plugin infrastructure, and other core parts of th...

116.221 Descargas

Total de descargas 229.284.653

Para esta versión 10.070



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.7.0

Nuevas versiones requieren AMF: true

Versión publicada con AMF: true
