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Dependencias inversas para sidekiq La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren sidekiq

autoscaler 1.0.0

Currently provides a Sidekiq middleware that does 0/1 scaling of Heroku processes

115.843 Descargas

getaround_utils 0.2.33

Shared base utility classes for Getaround Backend Applications.

114.554 Descargas

sidekiq-undertaker 1.7.0

Sidekiq::Undertaker is a plugin for Sidekiq. It allows exploring, reviving (retryin...

109.701 Descargas

sidekiq-debouncer 2.0.2

Sidekiq extension that adds the ability to debounce job execution. Worker will postpone...

109.140 Descargas

heartcheck-sidekiq 0.2.0

Plugin to check sidekiq connection in heartcheck.

105.904 Descargas

sidekiq-retries 0.4.0

Enhanced retry logic for Sidekiq workers

102.673 Descargas

exception-track 1.3.0

Tracking exceptions for Rails application store them in database by exception_notificat...

102.392 Descargas

hackathon_manager 0.14.1

Full-featured application for managing hackathon logistics

101.907 Descargas

patches 3.6.2

A simple gem for one off tasks for example database patches

98.983 Descargas

rediska 1.1.0

A light-weighted redis driver for testing, development, and minimal environments, w...

93.511 Descargas

sidekiq-priority 0.0.6

Prioritize Sidekiq jobs within queues

91.720 Descargas

acidic_job 0.9.0

Idempotent operations for Rails apps, built on top of ActiveJob.

90.998 Descargas

miteru 2.3.0

A phishing kit collector for scavengers

88.274 Descargas

sidekiq-ultimate 2.0.0

Sidekiq ultimate experience.

86.513 Descargas

bitsy-bitcoin 0.9.0

A mountable Rails engine to create a payment server that can handle the money in your B...

86.121 Descargas

dashing-contrib 0.2.9

Dashing Contrib aims to make templates plugins easy to maintain and contribute

84.364 Descargas

makandra_sidekiq 0.2.3

Support code for sidekiq, including rake tasks and capistrano recipes.

83.742 Descargas

jt-rails-toolbox 2.8.1

JTRailsToolbox contains a list of common libs used for Ruby On Rails development.

79.905 Descargas

lyber-core 7.5.0

Contains classes to make http connections with a client-cert, use Jhove, and call Suri ...

79.284 Descargas

pheromone 0.5.1

Sends messages to kafka using different formats and strategies

74.924 Descargas

sidekiq-queue-pause 0.1.1

Let's you pause/unpause individual sidekiq queues.

74.759 Descargas

trestle-sidekiq 0.1.1

Sidekiq integration plugin for the Trestle admin framework.

74.042 Descargas

checker_jobs 1.2.1

Regression tests for data

71.682 Descargas

stellar_base-rails 4.2.2

API Endpoints for the Stellar Protocol

70.107 Descargas

uffizzi_core 2.4.8


69.744 Descargas

notify_user 0.3.2

Drop-in solution for user notifications. Handles notifying by email, SMS and APNS, plus...

69.205 Descargas

disco_app 0.18.6

Rails engine for Shopify applications.

68.408 Descargas

rspec-enqueue_sidekiq_job 1.2.0

RSpec matcher to check enqueueing of Sidekiq jobs

67.989 Descargas

mongoid_silo 1.0.0

MongoidSilo gives a simple way to create static representations of models

66.469 Descargas

chillout 0.8.9

Chillout gem tracks your ActiveRecord models statistics.

66.423 Descargas

Total de descargas 229.608.329

Para esta versión 37.213



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.7.0

Nuevas versiones requieren AMF: true

Versión publicada con AMF: true
