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Dependencias inversas para sidekiq La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren sidekiq

kungfuig 0.11.4

Config with goodnesses.

66.134 Descargas

peak_flow_utils 0.1.19

Utilities to be used with PeakFlow.

65.106 Descargas

sidekiq-repeat 0.2.0

This gem adds recurring jobs to Sidekiq. It is heavily inspired by the sidekiq-dejavu a...

63.733 Descargas

sidekiq_publisher 5.0.0

Publisher for enqueuing jobs to Sidekiq

62.176 Descargas

kabutops 0.3.0

Dead simple yet powerful Ruby crawler for easy parallel crawling with support for an an...

61.973 Descargas

newrelic_sidekiq_plugin 0.0.4

This is the New Relic plugin for monitoring Sidekiq developed by Falconer Development, LLC

61.920 Descargas

inferno_core 0.4.39

Inferno Core is an open source tool for testing data exchanges enabled by the FHIR stan...

61.143 Descargas

materialist 3.8.3

Utilities to materialize routemaster topics

60.678 Descargas

zizia 6.0.1

Hyrax importers.

60.551 Descargas

mantle 2.3.1

Ruby application message bus subscriptions with Sidekiq and Redis Pubsub.

58.313 Descargas

sidekiq_unique_retries 0.2.0

Uniqueness for Sidekiq Retries

56.778 Descargas

bellbro 0.3.1

Helps with sidekiq.

56.458 Descargas

nexaas-async-collector 3.3.3

Agnostic collector and generator of async content for Rails apps.

56.091 Descargas

sidekiq-monitoring 1.3.6

Give a state of sidekiq available queues

55.636 Descargas

g5_prom_rails 0.3.3

Rails-friendly prometheus base

55.071 Descargas

sidekiq-merger 0.1.0

Merge sidekiq jobs.

54.776 Descargas

gluttonberg-core 3.0.2

Gluttonberg is an Open Source CMS developed by the team at Freerange Future. As designe...

54.187 Descargas

redis_page 0.1.26

use redis to cache your rails page.

53.448 Descargas

user_trackers 0.1.3

Gem for tracking user's activity on a rails app using mixpanel, intercom, slack and dat...

53.193 Descargas

global-registry-bindings 0.7.2

Provides a common interface for mapping ActiveRecord models to Global Registry entities...

51.802 Descargas

jobly 1.0.1

Execute background jobs and build tasks on this sidekiq-based job server

50.859 Descargas

csv_import_magic 0.0.11

Engine for import CSV dynamically by model

50.021 Descargas

marginalia-sidekiq 0.1.0

Integrate Marginalia with Sidekiq.

49.960 Descargas

sidekiq-delay 1.0.5

Wouldn't be nice if you could directly queue your model method calls to Sidekiq? With S...

49.635 Descargas

sidekiq-robust-job 0.3.0

A gem making Sidekiq jobs fully durable with some extra features

49.533 Descargas

ezlog 0.10.7

A zero-configuration logging solution for projects using Sidekiq, Rails, Sequel, etc.

49.479 Descargas

heavylog 0.1.0

Format all Rails logging per request

48.959 Descargas

my_nagios 0.0.22

Simple monitoring based on Nagios scripts

48.822 Descargas

log4r-exceptionable 0.8.0

Failure handlers for rack and resque that log failures using log4r. It is expected tha...

48.416 Descargas

sidekiq-runner 0.3.0

Provide an easy way to configure, start, and monitor all your Sidekiq processes

48.210 Descargas

Total de descargas 229.760.916

Para esta versión 50.869



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.7.0

Nuevas versiones requieren AMF: true

Versión publicada con AMF: true
