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sidekiq 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 sidekiq

honeykiq 1.6.0

Send Sidekiq related events to Honeycomb.

211,642 下载

reactor 2.0.1

rails chrono reactor

210,358 下载

librato-sidekiq 0.1.2

Sidekiq hooks to push stats into Librato

209,001 下载

roo_on_rails 2.2.2

Scaffolding for building services

205,965 下载

ts-sidekiq-delta 0.4.0

Manage delta indexes via Sidekiq for Thinking Sphinx

199,603 下载

sidekiq_process_killer 0.4.2

SidekiqProcessKiller plugs into Sidekiq's middleware and kills a process if its process...

197,992 下载

xapian_db 1.3.11

XapianDb is a ruby gem that combines features of nosql databases and fulltext indexing....

187,421 下载

async_request 1.0.0

Perform background jobs and ask for the result in a simple way.

185,071 下载

sidekiq-enqueuer 2.1.1

A Sidekiq Web extension to enqueue/schedule jobs with custom perform params in Web UI. ...

181,090 下载

mihari 7.6.1

A query aggregator for OSINT based threat hunting

176,313 下载

restpack_service 0.0.83

RestPack service base

174,818 下载

sidekiq-postpone 0.3.1

Bulk-pushes jobs to Sidekiq when you need it to.

174,721 下载

sidekiq-monitor-stats 0.0.4

Add an endpoint to your running application that is running Sidekiq that returns useful...

166,494 下载

attentive_sidekiq 0.3.3

This gem allows you to watch the jobs which suddenly dissappeared from redis without be...

160,083 下载

services 9.0.0

A nifty service layer for your Rails app

156,187 下载

cased-ruby 0.8.0

Ruby library for Cased

153,493 下载

sidekiq_monitor 0.1.7

Advanced monitoring for Sidekiq

148,539 下载

omnes 0.2.2

Omnes is a Ruby library implementing the publish-subscribe pattern. This pattern allows...

147,123 下载

govuk_sidekiq 8.0.1

Provides standard setup and behaviour for Sidekiq in GOV.UK applications.

144,733 下载

mutx 0.2.9

Exposes executions easily

144,285 下载

sidekiq-health 0.1.1

Sidekiq::Health adds a rake task that outputs the current size our your Sidekiq que...

141,809 下载

rollkiq 0.1.0

Customize how and when sidekiq sends an exception to rollbar

125,606 下载

sidekiq_adhoc_job 2.2.2

Trigger jobs adhoc from Sidekiq web admin

125,563 下载

cdmbl 0.18.0

Load CONTENTdm data into a Solr Index. CDMBL expects to run inside a Rails application.

125,196 下载

datadog-compound-metrics 0.1.0

A gem for building compound metric (a single metric from multiple ones). Mostly to have...

123,322 下载

sidekiq-notifications 0.0.1

Adds ActiveSupport/Notifications support to sidekiq.

122,043 下载

freekiqs 6.5.0

Sidekiq middleware extending RetryJobs to allow configuring how many exceptions a job c...

121,926 下载

smartkiosk-client 0.2.1

Smartkiosk client application

118,770 下载

sidekiq-influxdb 1.4.1

Writes Sidekiq job metrics to InfluxDB

117,171 下载

workarea-core 3.5.27

Provides application code, seed data, plugin infrastructure, and other core parts of th...

116,095 下载

下载总量 228,925,631

这个版本 1,634,007



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.7.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
