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sidekiq 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 sidekiq

chewy_kiqqer 0.2.6

Sidekiq integration for chewy and sidekiq

47,607 下载

symphonia 6.0.2

Basis of my applications

47,142 下载

traffic_mansion 0.0.19

Traffic Mansion campaign tracker client

46,772 下载

sidekiq-dry 1.1.4

Gem to provide serialization and deserialization of Dry::Struct arguments for Sidekiq jobs

46,592 下载

changeling 0.1.1

A simple, yet flexible solution to tracking changes made to objects in your database.

45,093 下载

wellness 2.0.1

A rack middleware health check

44,956 下载

attache 3.0.0

Standalone rack app to manage files onbehalf of your app

44,148 下载

ebook_tools 0.1.7


43,961 下载

la_gear 1.6.0

This gem allows you to DRY up your sneakers workers by using a conventions-based config...

43,735 下载

rails_workflow 0.7.3

Rails engine allowing to configure and manage business processes in rails including...

43,721 下载

q 0.0.1

A universal interface for Ruby queueing backends.

43,492 下载

bloom_remit 0.13.0

Rails engine for Bloom Remit users

42,215 下载

async_cache 1.2.0

Pattern and library for implementing asynchronous caching

41,650 下载

delayed_after_commit 0.1.7

defer your after commit callbacks to sidekiq

41,307 下载

sidekiq_parameters_logging 1.4.1

Sidekiq::Paramters::Logging middleware to log parameters passsed to each worker.

41,166 下载

user_notifier 0.4.0

Simple pattern for keeping track of messages sent to users based on model events with d...

41,079 下载

kiqit 2.4.0

Queue any method in any class or instance with no need for additional Worker class and ...

40,228 下载

jason-rails 0.8.7

Reactive user interfaces with minimal boilerplate, using Rails + Redux

39,813 下载

wcc-data 0.4.1

Watermark's library for interapp communication via APIs

38,936 下载

traxor 0.2.0

Log metrics to akkeris platform

38,595 下载

delayed_cron 0.2.11

Run your cron jobs with sidekiq, delayed_job, resque, or sucker_punch.

38,256 下载

nexaas-queue_time 0.5.1

Calculate the amount of time a request has been waiting in the queue

38,222 下载

sidekiq-recycler 0.1.0

Gracefully recycle sidekiq processes that use too much memory

37,412 下载

nightwing 0.3.0

Sidekiq metrics gathering

36,525 下载

action_mailer_auto_url_options 1.0.3

Make ActionMailer use the current request host and protocol for URL generation

36,289 下载

sidekiq-errors 0.0.4

relatively simple but more efficient way to manage a large number of sidekiq retries.

34,910 下载

activeasync 0.2.1

Provides async methods ruby objects for queuing background jobs. Currently supports Res...

34,650 下载

xing-backend 0.0.25

Xing is a Rails + AngularJS + Hypermedia web development framework and platform. This ...

34,541 下载

thecore_background_jobs 3.0.7

Adds Background workers functionality and management to Thecore.

34,479 下载

oneacct-export 0.5.0

Exporting OpenNebula accounting data.

34,438 下载

下载总量 229,611,779

这个版本 37,533



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.7.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
