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sidekiq 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 sidekiq

active_propagation 0.2.12

ActivePropagation provides classes and ActiveRecord extensions for propagating changes ...

34,374 下载

sidekiq-datadog-monitor 1.1.1

A gem to gather and send sidekiq jobs metrics to datadog

34,251 下载

sidekiq-clutch 2.1.1

Sidekiq::Clutch provides an ergonomic wrapper API for Sidekiq Batches so you can easily...

33,971 下载

statue 0.4.1

Track application metrics to Statsie

33,459 下载

message_bus_client_worker 2.1.1

Subscribe to MessageBus using Sidekiq workers

33,031 下载

validb 2.0.0

Check the contents of your database by validating the models.

32,905 下载

kaya 0.0.14

You can run your cucumber suites easily, save and see the execution results

32,438 下载

delay_henka 0.5.3

ActiveRecord-based engine for scheduled changes

32,320 下载

sidekiq-heroku-scaler 0.4.1

Tool to scale sidekiq dynos on Heroku

31,995 下载

sidekiq-pauzer 5.1.0

Enhance Sidekiq with queue pausing

31,577 下载

cru_lib 0.1.2

Provides a common interface for mapping ActiveRecord models to Global Registry entities...

31,192 下载

punk 0.4.1

Punk! is an omakase web framework for rapid prototyping.

30,976 下载

sidekiq-control 0.0.12

Manually trigger background jobs

30,331 下载

sidekiq-bunch 0.1.0

Lightweight implementation of job bunches.

29,939 下载

sidekiq_queue_status 0.0.4

This Gem adds a /queue-status endpoint to your Rails app. U...

29,853 下载

weasel 3.0.2

Works as a weasel for your controllers

29,722 下载

logcraft-sidekiq 1.1.0

A structured logging solution for Sidekiq, using Logcraft.

29,508 下载

sidekiq-uniq 0.8.0

This is a Sidekiq extension that doesn't allow a job to be enqueued if it's already in ...

29,497 下载

tire_async_index 0.3.0

Update tire (elasticsearch) index async with Sidekiq or Resque

29,357 下载

request-tracer 0.7.0

This is a tracer that hooks into several components to allow tracing requests across se...

29,093 下载

asyncapi-client 0.11.0

Asynchronous API communication

28,939 下载

notifu 1.6.5

Provides Nagios-like notification configuration & schedules

28,807 下载


28,786 下载

qe 0.4.0

A simple interface over several background job libraries like Resque, Sidekiq and Delay...

28,722 下载

mailcannon 0.1.1

A mass mailing tool for real threads aficionados

28,636 下载

sidekiq_snitch 1.4.0

A Rails engine that monitors your Sidekiq install using Dead Man's Snitch (www.deadmans...

28,495 下载

rekiq 1.2.0

Rekiq extends Sidekiq to allow the scheduling of recurring wo...

28,481 下载

sidekiq-congestion 0.1.1

Sidekiq middleware rate limiter that provides both time-based limits and quantity-based...

27,367 下载

sync_machine 1.4.0

A mini-framework for intelligently publishing complex model changes to an external API.

27,267 下载

td-querier 0.0.10

A client to perform and retry queries against treasure data using sidekiq as background...

27,020 下载

下载总量 229,760,749

这个版本 50,861



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.7.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
