RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para simplecov-console La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren simplecov-console

resync-client 0.4.7

A Ruby client for the ResourceSync web synchronization framework

48.256 Descargas

acts_as_hashable 1.3.2

This is a small library that helps increase the pliability of object constructor signat...

47.110 Descargas

docker-registry-sync 0.2.14

Sync data between S3 two distinct docker registries using S3 data storage and SNS as a ...

46.533 Descargas

i18n_checker 0.9.0

Verification of translation of Ruby source and Haml template

45.682 Descargas

cmor_showcase 0.0.60.pre

Cmor::Showcase Module.

45.084 Descargas

cmor_partners 0.0.60.pre

Cmor::Partners Module.

45.056 Descargas

cmor_showcase_frontend 0.0.60.pre

Cmor::Showcase::Frontend Module.

44.828 Descargas

sila-ruby 0.0.33

Ruby implementation of the Sila API

44.739 Descargas

oneaccess 1.3.1

Easily communicate with ONEAccess API

44.511 Descargas

arel_toolkit 0.4.9

ArelToolkit contains parsing, querying, modifying, optimisations, extensions and more f...

43.839 Descargas

cmor_partners_frontend 0.0.60.pre

Cmor::Partners::Frontend Module.

43.482 Descargas

ios_icon_generator 0.1.3

Generates icons based and apply masks to them easily.

43.222 Descargas

chef-gen-flavors 0.9.1

chef-gen-flavors is a framework for creating custom templates for the 'chef generate' c...

42.904 Descargas

yaml-translator 0.11.3

Translate for the locales configuration file

42.691 Descargas


Deprecated from 2019-05-03. Integrate the U.S. Web Design System into a Ruby on Rails a...

38.467 Descargas

plate_api 1.2.8

This gem can be used to connect to the Plate API. It takes care of the authenticatio...

37.963 Descargas

workspace 2.0.2

Workspace makes it a breeze to work with files and directories

37.379 Descargas

consul-template-generator 0.3.6

When using complex consul-template templates or distributing them across many hosts, yo...

37.329 Descargas

sensu-plugins-meta 1.0.10

This plugin provides a way to call other check plugins multiple times as a single check.

36.508 Descargas


Timeouter is advisory timeout helper without any background threads.

36.236 Descargas

puppet-lint-use_ensure_packages-check 0.0.2

A puppet-lint plugin to check that contains if ! defined (Package statements.

35.647 Descargas

dotenv_validator 1.3.0

Checks required env variables and its format using dotenv and .env.sample files. Sample...

34.714 Descargas

puppet-lint-global_resource-check 0.3.2

Extends puppet-lint to ensure that your manifests have no global resources.

34.152 Descargas

danger-cobertura 1.3.0

A cobertura report plugin for danger.

34.151 Descargas

bumblebee 3.1.1

Higher level languages, such as Ruby, make interacting with CSVs trivial. Even so, ...

34.111 Descargas

schleuder 4.0.3

Schleuder is a group's email-gateway: subscribers can exchange encrypted emails among t...

33.925 Descargas

kitchen-microwave 0.7.1

An automatic config generator for Test Kitchen+Dokken+Inspec

33.739 Descargas

db_fuel 2.2.1

This library adds database-centric jobs to the Burner library. Burner does not ship wi...

33.290 Descargas


Kill any workers by memory and request counts or take custom reaction

33.210 Descargas

cmor_seo 0.0.60.pre

Cmor::Seo Module.

31.845 Descargas

Total de descargas 7.332.898

Para esta versión 3.151.095



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
