RubyGems Navigation menu

simplecov-console 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 simplecov-console

nay 0.0.3

Compile template strings with values from objects.

3,246 下载

dotviz 0.0.1

Create pretty graphs from Ruby objects.

3,115 下载

exchangerate-api 0.1.2

Currencies Exchange rates api client

2,931 下载


HTTP interaction classes for BBK stack

2,924 下载

dh_easy-qa 0.0.34

DataHen Easy QA gem allows you to ensure the quality of output on Fetch

2,895 下载

activerecord-validations-helpers 0.1.0

Extends activerecord validations with helpers

2,888 下载

jekyll_miscellaneous 1.3.0

A collection of opinionated plugins for Jekyll.

2,853 下载

aws2-ssm-env 0.1.1

Set parameters acquired from AWS EC2 Parameter Store as environment variables.

2,721 下载

mrt-tind-harvester 0.0.1

Harvests TIND OAI-PMH feed to identify files for ingest into Merritt

2,699 下载

nokotime-ruby-client 0.1.0

Ruby client for Noko API. #ruby #client #nokotime

2,630 下载

knife-scaleway 0.1.0

A plugin for chef's knife to manage instances of Scaleway servers

2,630 下载

light_rules_engine 0.1.0

Gem is a foundation of rule engine

2,533 下载

card_number_validator 0.1.1

Ruby library to validate payment card numbers

2,452 下载

activemodel-extra_validations 0.1.0

Common validations for ActiveModel

2,410 下载

felecs 5.0.1

The Engine Agnostic ECS Ruby Framework

2,390 下载

path_list 0.16

Parse gitignore files, quickly

2,363 下载

railerr 0.0.2

A declarative, fire and forget way to handle errors in a REST API

2,343 下载



2,274 下载

coinmarketcap_api 1.0.0

Friendly and convenient API wrapper in Ruby.

2,267 下载

dark_prism 0.1.0

Simple and straightforward event dispatching for ruby

2,162 下载

my_banner 1.0.0

This program processes detailed schedule information from your school's Ellucian Banner...

2,113 下载

kitkat 1.0.0

Small library that can populate a SQLite database with the recursive list of all files ...

2,112 下载

memoria 0.1.0

Capture snapshots to simplify testing and to analyze how state changes over time.

2,108 下载

jsonschema-recorder 0.1.1

Write a longer description or delete this line.

2,015 下载

puppet-lint-global_definition-check 0.5.0

Extends puppet-lint to ensure that your manifests have no global resources.

1,937 下载

logstash-filter-json_wrap 0.1.1

See for deta...

1,934 下载

to_human 0.1.0

Human-friendly strings for Boolean and Nil values

1,862 下载

teton 0.0.3

Store key-value pair objects in a discoverable hierarchy. Provides a pluggable interfa...

1,763 下载

instance_store 0.0.1.alpha1

Ruby instance containerization library, providing tools \ for preinitialization and man...

1,716 下载

abstractify 1.1.1

Library for implementing true Abstract classes, throwing errors when class is created, ...

1,705 下载

下载总量 7,760,743

这个版本 57,273




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
