RubyGems Navigation menu

simplecov-console 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 simplecov-console

meeseeks 0.2.0

Submits measurements to a circonus http trap

15,935 下载

dh_easy 0.0.8

DataHen Easy toolkit module collection.

15,838 下载

chef-gen-flavor-example 0.6.1

An example plugin for [chef-gen-flavors]( ...

15,674 下载

match_reduce 1.0.0

High speed data aggregator and reducer algorithm based on key-value exact matching and ...

15,590 下载


Groupped::Settings is a plugin that manage groupped settings for Rails :)

15,458 下载

cmor_multi_tenancy 0.0.60.pre

Cmor::MultiTenancy Module.

15,420 下载

cmor_multi_tenancy_frontend 0.0.60.pre

Cmor::MultiTenancy::Frontend Module.

15,396 下载

sbrf_merchant 3.1.0

Simple and flexible Sberbank acquiring API client for Ruby

15,299 下载

berkeley_library-logging 0.2.7

A gem providing shared logging code for UC Berkeley Library gems and Rails applications

15,148 下载

fresh_objects 1.0.0

This library provides a simple algorithm for object filtering based on an object's time...

15,117 下载

stash-sword 0.1.6

A minimal SWORD 2.0 connector providing those features needed for Stash

15,003 下载

mdbx 0.3.6

This is a native ruby binding to libmdbx, an improved version of the Lightning Memory M...

14,970 下载

seamapi 1.16.1

Official interface to the Seam Connect API.

14,951 下载

view_component-storybook 1.0.0

Generate Storybook CSF JSON for rendering Rails View Components in Storybook

14,866 下载


Retag is cli to manipulate docker images in handy way

14,511 下载

puppetfiler 0.2.2

Miscallenous actions on Puppetfiles

14,470 下载

storybook_rails 1.2.0

Generate Storybook CSF JSON for rendering Rails View Partials in Storybook

14,217 下载

micropub-endpoint 1.0.4

Deprecated in favor of indieweb-endpoints from 2019-04-24. Discover a URL’s Micropub en...

13,712 下载

makenew-rbgem 3.1.2

Project skeleton for a Ruby gem.

13,668 下载

sega 0.1.6

Tool that will help you create a self-extracting gem (cli) archive.

13,555 下载


Classes for building services based on BBK stack

13,492 下载

dmp 0.2.4

Generates a passphrase using EFF's long wordlist.

13,325 下载

sensu-plugins-habitat 0.1.7

This plugin monitors services under a Habitat supervisor

13,106 下载

spreadsheet_fuel 0.2.0

This library adds spreadsheet-centric jobs to the Burner library. Burner does not ship...

13,042 下载

mrt-ingest 0.0.10

A client for the Merritt ingest system. More details available from

12,985 下载

markup_fuel 0.2.0

This library adds XML-centric jobs to the Burner library. Burner does not ship with XM...

12,851 下载

ecg 0.3.2

ecg is an ERB(eRuby) based, simple and powerful configration file generator for general...

12,694 下载


Simple distributed Redis-backed rate limiter

12,491 下载

portable 1.0.0

Portable is a virtual document object modeling library. Out of the box is provides a C...

12,421 下载

pdi 2.1.0

Pentaho Data Integration allows for the creation of ETL transformation and jobs. This ...

12,320 下载

下载总量 7,344,034

这个版本 3,160,140



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
