RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour simplecov Latest version of the following gems require simplecov

rgeo-activerecord 7.0.1

RGeo is a geospatial data library for Ruby. RGeo::ActiveRecord is an optional RGeo modu...

16 558 238 Téléchargements

omniauth-salesforce 1.0.5

OmniAuth strategy for

16 270 285 Téléchargements

opentelemetry-common 0.21.0

Common helpers for OpenTelemetry

16 114 117 Téléchargements

smarter_csv 1.10.3

Ruby Gem for smarter importing of CSV Files as Array(s) of Hashes, with optional featur...

15 573 325 Téléchargements

imagen 0.1.8

Codebase as structure of locatable classes and methods based on the Ruby AST

15 536 946 Téléchargements

codeclimate-test-reporter 1.0.9

Collects test coverage data from your Ruby test suite and sends it to Code Climate's ho...

15 503 427 Téléchargements

authy 3.0.1

Ruby library to access Authy services. This gem is deprecated, please see the README fo...

15 118 595 Téléchargements

cloudinary 2.1.1

Client library for easily using the Cloudinary service

14 986 191 Téléchargements

launchdarkly-server-sdk 8.6.0

Official LaunchDarkly SDK for Ruby

14 863 774 Téléchargements

fluent-logger 0.9.1

fluent logger for ruby

14 612 414 Téléchargements

active_storage_validations 1.1.4

Validations for Active Storage (presence)

14 275 724 Téléchargements

opentelemetry-semantic_conventions 1.10.0

Semantic Convention definitions for OpenTelemetry

14 233 087 Téléchargements

simplecov-json 0.2.3

JSON formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool for ruby 1.9+

13 777 890 Téléchargements

guard-rubocop 1.5.0

Guard::RuboCop automatically checks Ruby code style with RuboCop when files are modified.

13 730 896 Téléchargements

meta-tags 2.21.0

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plugin for Ruby on Rails applications.

13 659 715 Téléchargements

coveralls 0.8.23

A Ruby implementation of the Coveralls API.

13 574 802 Téléchargements

elasticsearch-dsl 0.1.10

A Ruby DSL builder for Elasticsearch

13 535 843 Téléchargements

opentelemetry-instrumentation-rack 0.24.5

Rack instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

13 466 122 Téléchargements

slather 2.8.2

Test coverage reports for Xcode projects

13 456 994 Téléchargements

simplecov-rcov 0.3.7

Rcov style formatter for SimpleCov

13 435 060 Téléchargements

faraday-follow_redirects 0.3.0

Faraday 2.x compatible extraction of FaradayMiddleware::FollowRedirects.

13 207 403 Téléchargements

opentelemetry-instrumentation-base 0.22.4

Instrumentation Base for the OpenTelemetry framework

12 985 857 Téléchargements

sidekiq-limit_fetch 4.4.1

Sidekiq strategy to restrict number of workers which are able to run specified queues s...

12 958 227 Téléchargements

opentelemetry-exporter-otlp 0.28.0

OTLP exporter for the OpenTelemetry framework

12 470 699 Téléchargements

aliyun-sdk 0.8.0

A Ruby program to facilitate accessing Aliyun Object Storage Service

12 402 561 Téléchargements

opentelemetry-instrumentation-sidekiq 0.25.5

Sidekiq instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

12 351 586 Téléchargements

rollout 2.6.1

Feature flippers with redis.

12 335 653 Téléchargements

opensearch-transport 2.1.0

Ruby client for OpenSearch. See the `opensearch` gem for full integration.

12 103 921 Téléchargements

opensearch-api 2.2.0

Ruby API for OpenSearch. See the `opensearch-ruby` gem for full integration.

12 103 427 Téléchargements

color 1.8

Color is a Ruby library to provide basic RGB, CMYK, HSL, and other colourspace manipula...

12 055 621 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 322 244 692

Pour cette version 43 043 867



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.5.0
