RubyGems Navigation menu

simplecov 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 simplecov

coveralls 0.8.23

A Ruby implementation of the Coveralls API.

13,952,530 下載

opentelemetry-instrumentation-active_support 0.6.0

ActiveSupport instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

13,903,553 下載

simplecov-rcov 0.3.7

Rcov style formatter for SimpleCov

13,903,388 下載

opentelemetry-instrumentation-rails 0.31.2

Rails instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

13,783,280 下載

sidekiq-limit_fetch 4.4.1

Sidekiq strategy to restrict number of workers which are able to run specified queues s...

13,534,848 下載

opentelemetry-instrumentation-action_view 0.7.3

ActionView instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

13,225,190 下載

gitlab_quality-test_tooling 1.38.1

A collection of test-related tools.

13,212,078 下載

jsonapi-serializer 2.2.0

Fast, simple and easy to use JSON:API serialization library (also known as fast_jsonapi).

13,027,761 下載

protocol 2.0.1

This library offers an implementation of protocols against which you can check the conf...

12,899,682 下載

mize 0.6.0

Library that provides memoziation for methods and functions for Ruby.

12,863,374 下載

rollout 2.6.1

Feature flippers with redis.

12,687,824 下載

opensearch-transport 2.1.0

Ruby client for OpenSearch. See the `opensearch` gem for full integration.

12,681,759 下載

opensearch-api 2.2.0

Ruby API for OpenSearch. See the `opensearch-ruby` gem for full integration.

12,681,479 下載

cvss-suite 4.0.0

This Ruby gem calculates the score based on the vector of the Common Vulnerability Scor...

12,651,458 下載

opentelemetry-instrumentation-ethon 0.21.8

Ethon instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

12,584,134 下載

graphlyte 1.0.0

craft graphql queries with ruby

12,533,116 下載

telesign 2.2.4

TeleSign Ruby SDK

12,483,467 下載

color 1.8

Color is a Ruby library to provide basic RGB, CMYK, HSL, and other colourspace manipula...

12,468,187 下載

opentelemetry-instrumentation-http 0.23.4

HTTP instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

12,444,527 下載

counter_culture 3.7.0

counter_culture provides turbo-charged counter caches that are kept up-to-date not just...

12,422,788 下載

opentelemetry-instrumentation-graphql 0.28.4

GraphQL instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

12,306,423 下載

vite_ruby 3.8.2

Use Vite in Ruby and bring joy to your JavaScript experience

12,253,571 下載

opentelemetry-instrumentation-http_client 0.22.7

HttpClient instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

12,192,766 下載

pronto 0.11.2

Pronto runs analysis quickly by checking only the relevant changes. Created to be u...

12,016,877 下載

webpush 1.1.0

Encryption Utilities for Web Push payload.

11,998,237 下載

rubycritic 4.9.1

RubyCritic is a tool that wraps around various static analysis gems to provide a qualit...

11,762,958 下載

resque-retry 1.8.1

resque-retry provides retry, delay and exponential backoff support for resque jobs. ...

11,762,360 下載

opentelemetry-instrumentation-pg 0.29.0

PG (PostgreSQL) instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

11,696,331 下載

sneakers 2.12.0

Fast background processing framework for Ruby and RabbitMQ

11,656,209 下載

telesignenterprise 2.2.2

TeleSign Enterprise Ruby SDK

11,523,143 下載

總下載次數 338,422,097

這個版本 54,159,663




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5.0
