social_stream 0.4.6
Click on the arrow icon to expand.
Runtime :
acts-as-taggable-on 2.0.6
~> 2.0.6
ancestry 1.2.5
~> 1.2.3
avatars_for_rails 0.0.10
~> 0.0.9
cancan 1.6.10
~> 1.6.4
devise 1.5.4
~> 1.2.rc
foreigner 0.9.2
~> 0.9.1
formtastic 1.2.5
~> 1.2.3
inherited_resources 1.2.2
~> 1.2.2
jquery-rails 0.2.7
~> 0.2.5
mailboxer 0.1.4
~> 0.1.4
oauth-plugin 0.4.1
~> 0.4.0.pre1
omniauth 0.2.6
~> 0.2.6
paperclip 2.3.16
~> 2.3.4
rails_css_themes 1.0.0
~> 1.0.0
rmagick 2.13.4
~> 2.13.1
stringex 1.2.2
~> 1.2.0
will_paginate 3.3.1
~> 3.0.pre2