RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour spork Latest version of the following gems require spork

engine_room 0.5.0

EngineRoom aims to be a simple to use, unobtrusive admin interface for rails applicatio...

4 974 Téléchargements

benmanns-atreides 2.0.4

Atreides is an engine providing a evented CMS following a KISS principle

4 821 Téléchargements

el_vfs 0.0.1

Description of ElVfs.

4 676 Téléchargements

zemanta 0.0.1

Ruby client for Zemanta

4 564 Téléchargements

yahoo-japan-api 0.1.0

wrapper for Yahoo! Japan Web API

4 491 Téléchargements

cfp 0.0.1

Call for Papers Rails Engine used for the organization of MagmaRails

4 481 Téléchargements

js-log-cucumber 1.0.2

Behaviour Driven Development with elegance and joy

4 471 Téléchargements

overwatch-collection 0.1.1

overwatch-collection is a Redis-backed statistical time series collection application d...

4 342 Téléchargements

make-private 0.0.1

Make all active record properties private

4 339 Téléchargements

woodchuck 0.0.1

lightweight log shipper for logstash

4 312 Téléchargements

axu-i18n-timezones 1.3.1

The purpose of this gem is to simply provide timezone translations. The gem is intended...

4 296 Téléchargements

json_config_attributes 0.0.0

Simple ActiveSupport::Concern for converting a JSON config string into methods availabl...

4 284 Téléchargements

stefl-cucumber 0.10.1

Behaviour Driven Development with elegance and joy

4 258 Téléchargements

getclever-ruby 0.0.1

Ruby library for interacting with the Clever API

4 221 Téléchargements

damselfly 0.0.1

Rails engine to add polymorphic file attachments leveraging dragonfly and counting refe...

4 168 Téléchargements

conjur-asset-key-pair 0.2.1

Conjur asset plugin for RSA key pairs.

4 120 Téléchargements

conjur-asset-pubkeys-api 0.1.2

Conjur asset plugin for a public key store.

4 085 Téléchargements

spork-assert 0.0.1

Use spork with the assert testing framework

4 060 Téléchargements

dio_tests 0.0.1

Do you remember how many tests you have written ?

4 027 Téléchargements

inspector_dragit 0.0.2

Drag and drop attribute inspector. Nests model attributes as html 5 data attributes on ...

4 012 Téléchargements

sylvester 0.0.1

The beginnings of a handy ruby interface for System V shared memory, making it accessib...

4 006 Téléchargements

hipchat-secrets 0.9.1

Extract secrets from hipchat configuration files

3 963 Téléchargements

martinos-spork-testunit 0.0.8

Spork plugin to enable Test::Unit support.

3 944 Téléchargements

switchrb 0.0.1

Adds a switch statement to Ruby

3 940 Téléchargements

rsrc 0.1

Command-line tool for generating boilerplate for testing Ruby scripts

3 899 Téléchargements

spork-riot 0.0.1

Spork plugin to enable Riot support.

3 898 Téléchargements

backup_monitor 0.0.1

Checks the modification age of a directory hierarchy to locate stale backups.

3 880 Téléchargements

conjur-asset-pubkeys 0.1.1

Conjur asset plugin for a public key store.

3 869 Téléchargements

doctor-strange 0.1.2

A Rails plug-in, which checks various services (db, cache, sidekiq, redis, stripe, mail...

3 866 Téléchargements

movieman 0.0.1

Wrapper for sites/APIs that provide information about movies.

3 853 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 9 145 468

Pour cette version 4 403 481



Version de Ruby requise: None
