spork 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 spork
mixin-ruby_engine 0.1.0
A mixin for querying the platform running Ruby
3,820 下載
mixin-platform 0.1.0
A mixin for querying the platform running Ruby
3,806 下載
rs_yettings 0.0.1
Yettings uses encrypted YML files that allow you to safely store sensitive configuratio...
3,721 下載
turkee-mongoid 2.0.2
Mongoid port of Turkee. The same as Turkee, it creates usability studies, posts HITs, a...
3,665 下載
simple_http_client 0.0.1
Simple Http Client aims to provide a simpler interface to Net:HTTP request objects
3,473 下載
tcf2nif 0.2.1
tcf2nif converts NLP data from the TCF format (used by WebLicht) to the RDF-based NIF f...
3,100 下載
wjordan213.csvlint 0.2.8
CSV Validator
3,091 下載
wjordan213-csvlint 0.2.8
CSV Validator
3,046 下載
kbaum-cucumber 0.4.5.pre
A BDD tool written in Ruby
2,908 下載
vagrant-berkshelf-nochefdk 6.0.0
A Vagrant plugin to add Berkshelf integration to the Chef provisioners, without need of...
2,572 下載
surveillance 0.1.1
Allows you to give your users the ability to create polls in your Rails app
2,526 下載
pkoch-spork-testunit 0.0.7a
Test Unit runner for spork
2,361 下載
jekyll-last-modified-date 1.3.1
A liquid tag for Jekyll to indicate the last time a file was modified.
2,020 下載