RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para sqlite3 La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren sqlite3

griddler 1.6.0

Simplify receiving email in Rails

5.018.341 Descargas

apartment 2.2.1

Apartment allows Rack applications to deal with database multitenancy through ActiveRecord

5.006.241 Descargas

ajax-datatables-rails 1.5.0

A wrapper around datatable's ajax methods that allow synchronization with server-side p...

5.003.967 Descargas

statesman 12.1.0

A statesman-like state machine library

4.978.490 Descargas

sqlite3-ruby 1.3.3

This module allows Ruby programs to interface with the SQLite3 database engine (http://...

4.740.480 Descargas

ar_after_transaction 0.13.0

Execute irreversible actions only when transactions are not rolled back

4.620.128 Descargas

active_interaction 5.5.0

ActiveInteraction manages application-specific business logic. It is an implementation ...

4.578.169 Descargas

globalize-accessors 0.3.0

Define methods for accessing translated attributes

4.110.228 Descargas

temping 4.3.0

Create temporary table-backed ActiveRecord models for use in tests

3.924.958 Descargas

ziptz 5.1.2

Get timezone info for all 5-digit US zip codes

3.738.241 Descargas

combustion 1.5.0

Test your Rails Engines without needing a full Rails app

3.732.815 Descargas

pluck_to_hash 1.0.2

Extend ActiveRecord pluck to return hash instead of an array. Useful when plucking mult...

3.728.317 Descargas

strongbox 0.7.3

Strongbox provides Public Key Encryption for ActiveRecord. By using a public key se...

3.680.030 Descargas

delayed_paperclip 3.0.1

Process your Paperclip attachments in the background with ActiveJob

3.638.869 Descargas

prosopite 2.1.0

N+1 auto-detection for Rails with zero false positives / false negatives

3.629.259 Descargas

squeel 1.2.3

Squeel unlocks the power of Arel in your Rails application with a handy block-bas...

3.503.187 Descargas

validates_overlap 1.0.0

It can be useful when you you are developing some app where you will work with meetings...

3.307.262 Descargas

axlsx_styler 1.2.0

Build clean and maintainable styles for your axlsx spreadsheets. Build your spreadsheee...

3.249.170 Descargas

phashion 1.2.0

Simple wrapper around the pHash library

3.130.554 Descargas

jazzy 0.15.3

Soulful docs for Swift & Objective-C. Run in your SPM or Xcode project's root directory...

3.126.335 Descargas

order_as_specified 1.7

Obtain ActiveRecord results with a custom ordering with no need to store anything in th...

3.114.429 Descargas

jsonapi.rb 2.1.1

JSON:API serialization, error handling, filtering and pagination.

3.109.882 Descargas

jsonapi-rails 0.4.1

Efficient, convenient, non-intrusive JSONAPI framework for Rails.

2.972.925 Descargas

librato-rails 2.1.0

Report key app statistics to the Librato Metrics service and easily track your own cust...

2.881.443 Descargas

ledermann-rails-settings 2.6.2

Settings gem for Ruby on Rails

2.845.772 Descargas

yaml_db 0.7.0

YamlDb is a database-independent format for dumping and restoring data. It complements...

2.800.956 Descargas

codemirror-rails 5.16.0

This gem provides CodeMirror assets for your Rails application.

2.758.309 Descargas

erd 0.8.2

erd engine on Rails

2.751.119 Descargas

migration_data 0.6.0

Sometimes we have to write some Rails code in the migrations and it's hard to ...

2.747.369 Descargas

enumerate_it 4.0.0

Enumerations for Ruby with some magic powers!

2.722.390 Descargas


Total de descargas 147.342.575

Para esta versión 15.924

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 3.1

Nuevas versiones requieren AMF: true

Versión publicada con AMF: true
